Show your fully emblemed 4 star

what way did you go with Jackel?

I pulled him and maxed him. Thinking about stopping Khiona at +13 for now and giving Jackel some.

I got this 2 bad boys:


Anyone with fully pimped Gobbler, Agwe or Boomer or all of them?

As low as I am on clerics, especially ones that hit, don’t think I might not pimp out an Agwe if I had him.

A slightly different path for Boril than the one already in this thread.

I don’t find him to be super helpful. He’s OK on cleric trials, and every once in a while, he wins a war battle for me. I just can’t get used to the riposters, I guess. Basically, he was my next best option for cleric emblems after Rigard, but I’ll look hard at a reset when I get the darts to max Vivica.

Here’s an update to my Melendor.


My most lovely greens (i dont have a 5* green sadly)

My all round boldtusk
The warchief

The blue lady

And the multiuse Rigard

I have another heroes but they are Who i want to emblem until the end or close to it

Now using druid Sonya a lot more…class quests and war/pvp even red titans. Got a bit better used to the timing.

I chose the def/hp way cause I don’t want her to do much damage…I want her to live long to use her ability more often.

Paladin Sonya is great in buff booster and bloody battle. Even among 5☆ she is often my last woman standing.

Added more to the collection of 4star fully emblemed heroes


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