Should i just quit the game?

Are lootboxes gambling? :thinking:

Only if you pay money for them and arenā€™t guaranteed the same contents everytime.

This is by definition what a loot box & EnP is :wink:

You spend $$ for gems & then gems for in-game stuff which is not guaranteed to be the same every time :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hmmmmm. Could be gambling, then. Guess itā€™s good to have a game budget and stick to it. :wink:

Edit: And if I buy a bunch of gems and squander them all on loot boxes loaded with 1* crafting items, then teacher needs to take the yardstick and slap me on the back of the hand.

Purice, I have been playing for over 2 years and still not a single Atlantis hero. The only event hero I have is mother north whom I collected at the start of January this year. Otherwise I am playing with all season 1 and HOTM. Does this bother me? no. Does it affect my game play? no. I find other ways to kill those heroes I cannot get. You can gather all the heroes but they will end up like my MN, waiting on mats to ascend. But then that is a different thread, isnā€™t it?

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I dont get 10 pulls , Iā€™ve done a 10 pull on the last 4 events and not one 5 star and then I do free Atlantis coins and do 1 pull I get a 5 star , I just did a 10 pull for the knight event didnt get nothing but feeders and then before the event ends I get 1 more challenge coin to make it 10 so I get 1 single pull and get guinevere 5 star , I was so happy I got her shes a must have tank Iā€™ve always wanted but Iā€™ve gotten hotm and 5 stars from single pulls not 1 from 1 from a 10 pull so whatā€™s the point of 10 pulls ? Iā€™m now not doing any 10 pulls

Ascend items cost 20-100$ a price depends the pack you get to receive them, itā€™s a fixed price that you can pay if you donā€™t want to wait for rng/luck and Iā€™m ok with that, but heroes ? Whatā€™s the price for a hero 5-1000$ or more.
Also wasted all the keys I had for costumes today 11 total pulls and no 5* hero, also got 26 heroes out of TC20 and got only Horghall, that I already have (not planning to level him up).
Disappointment increases.

Total luckā€¦people do ten pulls because there is a cost break. There is no more or no less luck than doing 10 single pulls. All my 5* heroes from summoning have come from 10 or 30 pulls except 1: I got Alasie on a single token during Atlantis last year.

It may not have anything to do with it, but Iā€™ve wondered if a Coin pull from an earned coin in battle carries more weight in the summon than a quickie on a gem-purchased 10-pull. I hear what youā€™re saying. I donā€™t think the data supports that one way or the other, but maybe I can just tell myself, ā€œYou earned this Epic summon token! You fought for it! Now, go out there and not get Bane!ā€

In which I pull Prisca insteadā€¦ :blush:

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This month all the 5* heros that I got were 4 hotm

That is 4 more 5* heroes than many of us got this month. I spent up my saved gems and challenge coins, and got Sir Lancelot, and thatā€™s it.

I understand that you spend a lot, but thereā€™s no guarantee that youā€™re going to get the hero you really want anytime soon, unless itā€™s a S1 4* hero or lower, and youā€™ve got TCā€™s that can make them reliably. Eventually you should get all the s1 4* and below, but it will take time.

Simple answer: if youā€™re unhappy with playing the game, then thereā€™s little point in forcing yourself to continue (despite what you may have spent already). You have to know when to let go for your own sake.

Waffle incoming. :smile:

I personally spend very little in the game. I used Challenge coins for one Avalon pull and got my first Avalon 5* character. My previous Challenge coin rolls were underwhelming to say the least.

I second nevarmaorā€™s comment here. There is no memory mechanic.

I know a game which does use a purchase memory mechanic, so in E&Pā€™s terms you get a non-duplicate 5* within 20 pulls. As you may surmise it means the more 5s you have, the more likely youā€™ll get a 5 you donā€™t have. Good for long term players, negligible for new players (unless they spend goodness knows how much). Personally think it tends towards a pay to win model as a result, but each to their own.