Seshat really is not OP?

FWIW I’ve spent about $450 and have Ares, Red Hood, Guardian Panther, Frida, Ranvir, Seshat, Queen of Hearts, and Captain Kestrel and Guardian Owl as far as 5* heroes are concerned. About 300 days for me.

RNG is gonna RNG, and yeah it sucks when the game gives one “garbage.” Alas, life isn’t fair. Sad to say. :slightly_frowning_face::cry::man_shrugging:t2:

Yeah @Ian487 , streakiness is just gonna happen with RNG. There is no guarantee of even distribution. I have a pile of shields and a Kashhrek to give them to for what it’s worth (and a Horghall, Gobbler, and second Gadeirus but we’re gonna ignore that). Sucks you still haven’t gotten anything good. Hope lady luck smiles on you soon.

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You shouldn’t spend to become #1, since that won’t give anything and won’t last. Spend to increase your fun and not to win. Otherwise play for free.


Seconded. I’m c2p/f2p now myself.

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Much of a difference?
Imo both competitive.


Three snipers and slow squishy Azlar are competitive?

Yes, why wouldn’t they be? They are definitely not as good, but they are not bad either. You can COMPETE with that team easily.


I’m not scared of that. I mean it’s just a 3/15 Richard. He’ll die easily. :joy:

Emblems/levels about even and positioning adjusted a bit, neither of those are fun defenses to run into. I can’t speak for everyone, just myself, so take my words with a grain of salt.

Richard is an annoying tank to face mostly because there are few good green options for most players to take him down, and he hits like a mac truck, and flanked by Azlar means there’s a non-zero chance kitty cat will fire if I’ve got a bad board. The rest I mostly just hope RNG is in my favor and the snipers don’t hit anybody critical or at the wrong time.

By comparison, while Ares is intimidating, I personally have never been scared by a Misandra or Evelyn. Misandra is kinda forgettable to me, and Evelyn by herself neither hits hard nor is hard to take out (being paired with the likes of Lianna is a different story, but I digress). My blue and purple benches are among my strongest, so with a half decent board, the P2W will crumple, and Inari isn’t much of a hindrance to dying to straight tile damage.

Both of the defenses are pretty heavily dependent on their tank, but the F2P has a higher unpredictability variance which makes it kinda unappetizing to encounter, especially with that Lianna in the pocket (I SEE YOU THERE). By comparison, the P2W is sturdier but doesn’t hit as hard, so the damage output is more predictable. The double dispel in the P2W means I have to play my buffers more carefully, but if Ares goes down, the rest of it will follow quickly.

Personally I’d swap Sartana/Joon in F2P and Seshat/Misandra + Evelyn/Inari because Seshat and Sartana are sturdier heroes, so if the center tank goes down, they have a chance of protecting that wing position. Also flanking Ares with Evelyn gives Evelyn a better chance of firing multiple times and makes bringing blue to the table a little less palatable because it’s a weak color.

And just to reiterate, that’s MY perspective on the defenses. Just my two gems. :gem::gem:


I think the f2p team is better. I’d attack the Ares team first in say, a war situation.


Based on my blue+purple heavy roster, I’ll do that too.

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Both competitive with one being way better (no Seshat in this case):


Wait a minute, I thought you fed Kunchen to Rigard because he wasn’t good or something? :rofl:

As a f2p I’m glad I got Kunchen, and I really hope I get Seshat too :crossed_fingers: Imo she’s not OP but she’s really really good.


I’m still not convinced Seshat is OP. She’s very good, but OP? Let’s compare her to Panther:



Panther has 26 more attack points
Seshat has 53 more defense points
Panther has 4 more health points

They both dispel three, and both have fast mana
One Snipes one @ 400% and the other hits three for 210% each. Panther lowers dark defense on three, and Seshat summons a minion only for herself. Yes, the minions replicate, but they only cover her. & The elemental link is so minor that it’s not even worth mentioning. So then the only thing is her ability to resist mana cuts, which will only be of use against Guin, Li Xiu, Chao and Mitsuko. So yeah, idk, I don’t see it; lowering defense against a specific element is arguably much better than summoning a minion for themselves, even if they replicate. Panther has a better attack stat, and hits harder when hitting three, while Seshat has more survivability. Idk, seems balanced.

So yeah when you compare Seshat to Domitia or Thoth, she seems way OP, but to me, that just speaks to how underpowered those heroes are. I’d much rather they be powered up (which might end up being the case with costumes) than nerfing another hero into oblivion. We’ve got so many niche, or plain bad, HOTM lately, so to me, Seshat is a welcome addition since she’s actually quite useful. She’s fast, has utility, and designed to help counter Guin, so she’ll be a welcome addition to any team. & With self-replicating minions, she actually has something new that no other hero has, which makes her much more interesting.

She’s also not OP; she’s much more difficult to kill than Panther, but it’s still doable. To me, it wasn’t worth nerfing her as she was still possible to take down as is, so I still stand by the decision of the devs for releasing Seshat as is. If they were to nerf her, I would’ve been incredibly disappointed. Heroes are always getting nerfed in beta, rather than buffed, and it’s usually not for the better (Aegir is the best example of this; the nerfed version was terrible and the original version is what ended up getting released as a solution to the nerfed version- and ended up not too OP either, so a lot of worrying over nothing).

Gen 1 & 3 HOTM are the best HOTM that have been released, and that won’t ever change unless they start releasing other heroes on par with them. This gen they’re starting to, so gives me hope we might see more heroes that are actually interesting and new like Seshat. As long as they’re possible to take down, and don’t completely outshine most heroes in nearly everything, then to me they’re not OP. Currently, the hero closest to being OP currently released [in-game] is Gravemaker (he’s everywhere) so if SG doesn’t think he needs tweaking, I really don’t see how Seshat would need it.

Just my 2¢ though, what do I know? :thinking:


I agree with md-dc… Richard is annoying as hell


He might be even more with the new costumes.

Wu three Kongs of orient are
Killing titans near and afar
Always gambling never rambling
Average, but not by far


Yes!! They are!! 20 characters

Totally agree with you, great analysis, well done!!!


Excellent analysis and very well founded. I agree with you. Seshat is not OP, just a well-designed heroine, like Alasie, GM, Zeline, Athena, Alberich and Drake. I hope SG will create more HOTM that makes us want to have them. Enough of Anzoghs.


Anzogh its very bad yes. And for Seshat she it’s not OP but its very good and I’m in hope to have luck on Atlantis portal

So Richard is good? I did get him during the Sand Empire event. Richard is my first 5* blue & I was looking around for information on him.

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