September 2021 Balance Update - Discussion

Yeah correct. SGG is not interested in player opinion before rolling out the buffs.

They allow us to opine/vent post buff.

Maybe if the protest is sufficiently vehement, maybe some of the buffs will be nerfed. Lol


They didnā€™t want opinions, they were just telling us what they were going to do, pretending that our opinions matter.

Utter BS


How about buff the 1st year HOTMs? This way weā€™ll be enticed to pull during Tavern Of Legends. These newer heroes donā€™t need any buffing.


Je trouve que cā€™est beau tout Ƨa, mĆŖme si je nā€™ai aucun hĆ©ros du genre bonne continuation SG

A fun way to voice your displeasure is to flag their post announcing this update as inappropriate :rofl:

Good news is THAT did solicit a response from Petri :rofl:

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Wait they gonna get all costumes. No pure buff for the old ones.

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Pure buff wonā€™t saitisfy their greed it seems.


Surprised to see Faline on the listā€¦ I was lucky enough to pull her, and she is very solid. The buff will definitey improve her (as some have suggested, perhaps making her OP), though I would actually have preferred to see her mana reduction hit all 3 instead of increasing the amount of the reduction. Or maybe a combo of all 3+ increase - such as 50% mana reduction to the fastest base mana, and 35% reduction to other targets hit.

The others - no real opinion since I donā€™t have themā€¦

I agree,ā€¦ Ingolf should be in the list. Faline and Zuri are already great.

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150 pull in the Magic Tower and not even one Magic hero. Not even 3*. For me this ā€œbalanceā€ itā€™s just one more nail in the coffin

If you aim at 3 fast heroes the debuff will get the 3.

I donā€™t even know who these heroes are or what they are doing on my lawn. They are more than welcome to tea if they have the time, though.

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I actually told my alliance it was a buff for S4 heroes because I thought Zuri and Faline was S4ā€¦ it took me awhile untill I realize my mistake by reading some postsā€¦


If they are buffing new heroesā€¦letā€™s take a look at Karnov: why does he cast a negative effect on his holy allies? I mean, heā€™s slow. Other tile buffers are faster and cast no such negative effect.

Full disclosure: I have this card


Ouchā€¦now THATā€™S defying the odds!

I have been thinking about these buffs, and the fact that a few hours after the Magic Tower portal opened, a new beta came out with heroes that are even more powerful.

These buffs were to make their new generation of events somewhat relevant in the scope of their creep. Good luck with that :slight_smile:

With ascension mats being as precious as they are, it not like most could every level all of them anyway. So maybe itā€™s a good thing for lots of us that end up doing a lot of pulls.

There really is no need to. A better portal will be coming along next month. Save mats, save gems, pull when you fell like it, not when you think you have to.

FOMO is certainly real, but I think the knowledge that someone better is coming next week could have a healthy affect on many of us.

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there is one nice saying here: if every women say ā€œNOā€ never will be a war even soldiers
so: if none player will pay, there donā€™t will be any game even Zynga :slight_smile:

When are the most undervalued Hotms ever gettting slight buff?

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I agree 100%. Those two heroes are not in need of buff and still its happeningā€¦ Makes me wonder in what world is this all from lolz

They cant make heroes anymore what doesnt need nerfs or buffs, they make all by meta what is on atm, and there is no head or tail soon what happens.

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