šŸ’˜ Season of Love 2023 - Teams, Strategy, FAQs, Discussion, and Links ā€“ Starts February 14

Iā€™m sorry, but why is c.Quintus a boss for this event? Seriously. How lazy are these people?!


Because he is a Love Doctor.


I like how the base look :heart: :cloud: :purple_heart:

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I did a double take when I saw c-Quintus 2 as a boss.

But I guess even he has people who love him :stuck_out_tongue:
(Seriously, this c2 special skill is amazing!)

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Also giving a shout out to good old Malosi. The bosses resist my mana controllers, but Malosi can still prevent their special skill effects at least!

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Adding the All-In-One and no HP guides here. I was hoping to have a larger seasonal graphic that SGG usually puts out once the event goes live, but sadly none was to be had. I employ it for more header coverage of the event than the gradient I use. Thank you @PlayForFun for adding these as always.


I feel like this event was undercooked a bit.

The tile effects are uninspired (the arrow T-shape is literally just one tile moved from the vanilla dragon shield, and the heart shape feels very off-putting to use).

The bosses try to defeat you through sheer annoyance - did someone forget to cut the healing percentage on them as they usually do for NPC bosses? Using the hearts against Cupido feels more punishing than rewarding because you can accidentally charge three of your heroes that will get hit by his special, and immediately heal the boss for SIXTY PERCENT of its FIVE THOUSAND health.

Same goes for that one goober who heals himself off dispelling your buffs. The answer is just not to take buffs I guess? Or using special blockersā€¦again.


Thx, I have added these to a guides with rewards section.

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I imagine mana block effects might work for him, but yeah, I imagine the general gimmick is to avoid having active buffs when itā€™s time to get him off. Outside silence, I think Healing Gift and Mindless Attack arenā€™t going to be effective against him. Taunt heroes should also prevent removing all buffs from allies too, since dispels tend to only remove buffs from that one hero instead of all 5.

Also donā€™t know how many heroes are in the game that can reduce healing received. HP Reducers (i.e. Alfrike, some S5 heroes) could also do the trick, since he canā€™t boost his health per removed effects, meaning you could chop his max down to 30% of his based health and the healing wouldnā€™t be as much.

Last ditch effort: mana cutting and time stops.

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This stage we will get 10 3* trainers master?

Take in two riposte heros to cover both sides, and the bosses will wipe themselves out with the counterattack. GL


Yeah the big green guy in the back look interesting.

A minor observation after reading about the special tile here, are the arrow tiles working like theyā€™re supposed to in-game? The little diagram claims that the ā€œT-shapedā€ explosions are to be two tiles down and one on each side, but Iā€™ve had a few arrow tiles matched or activated do explosions where the ā€œT-shapedā€ explosion is more a cross or corner-angled.

The heart tiles, however, are fine, though Iā€™m curious if having multiple heart tiles go off simultaneously in one turn counts towards anything relating to damage.

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@Ufeel as I see you have created a Idea and Feature Request about this.

Even if Staff will want to do something like this, then probably it will only apply to next yearā€™s Love Booster as it would be unfair to those who already bought this offer in the game.

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Auto farming advanced has not been as effective for me in this event due to the boss specials, so I decided to go with my go-to mana controller merlinā€¦ and lo and behold, their passive stops his special dead! Out comes the newly fated summon collected Onatel at 1/40 or so and she is kicking some major ***. CC Vic keeps her alive and Ontael severely limits how many times the bosses can fire, making the boss levels are an absolute cake-walk. I canā€™t praise her enough in PVE, especially for anyone that has a relatively young account/shallow roster. Super glad I went with her over Freya.

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There is a mistake in the description itā€™s 10 EHTs in the stage gifts. Plus one you get with the purchase. So also 11.

Came here wondering the same thing. The healing can be ridiculous.

Stuck on lvl 16 normal. Any suggestions for hero usage? I dont have many ascended other than a few 3* and (2) 5* heroes (Viktor [19] and Alexandrine [20]). I briefly saw one suggestion for Ciprian and the red halfling which does counter attackā€¦TIA.

You almost need some sort of mana controller for this event. It would be very difficult without

my team for Advanced 20:

fled the first time because I carelessly let Krampus and Vivica die.

Second time I made sure to always have Krampusā€™ taunt or Malosiā€™s effect block active on that $@)(!)(#@)( Cupido. Cheered when I defeated little cupidā€¦ Himeros hit pretty hard, but Zarola was easy enough to get around - when mana was low, the hit was really weak.