That is the most entertaining one. Good luck.
OK. Here is a strategy for almost any team around 3000 power.
Items to bring:
5 Dragon Fire
5 Fire Bombs
5 Axes
Mana / Healing potions (to make it to last stage)
Non boss stage strategy:
- Concentrate to kill one enemy at the time as fast as possible.
- When 1 enemy is left (not much damage done to your team)
2.1 Heal heroes as much as possible (you have to have healers, healing items do not count / not good idea)
2.2 Charge all your heroes mana to full
2.3 Defrost as many tiles as possible
2.4 Kill last enemy with tiles and move on. - Repeat the above for all Non Boss stages.
- Boss Stage (especially stage 24 advanced).
4.1 Use all damage dealing items:
5 x 400 = 2000
5 x 300 = 1500
5 x 200 = 1000
Total of 4500 damage upfront to all bosses
4.2 IMPORTANT FIRST bring Mother North down with heroes specials as quickly as possible, do not let her use her special.
4.3 Finish off Santa and Buddy, it should be fairly easy now.
Actually there is no such thing for specials… In case you didn’t know, the special attacks damage depends of defense stats, not colour. There is no such thing as Lianna special to be weak against Santa. Only the green tiles are.
Anyway, you said one thing right. Marjana is the only sniper recommended for the last stage, in case the player doesn’t have better reds (BT, Wilbur, Falcon, Azlar/Elena and Anzogh or Scarlett). The tile damage is only that matters in this mission. No need for snipers. With mono red I killed the bosses in 5-6 seconds (like I explained in the middle of this thread). I didn’t use a single item, because it is not necessary if you follow those steps…
I am happy to hear that. I read it in other posts.
However from my experience it seemed that there is some difference even if it is hard to catch because different heroes have different stats so to compare we have to find the same stat heroes from different colours and hit them with the same special.
That is great then Lianna (costumed +20) could hit anybody for as hard as 890 x 5.12 = 4556.8 before defence reduction (enemy hero).
Mind that not all players have full leveled roaster with various heroes to utilize your strategy.
I understand that when you have lemental defence down it becomes devastating for the ‘weak’ colour.
Obviously, the board has to be preset before the Boss stage for as many red as possible too.
They struggle with little they have and taking time, ghosting and charging regular snipers is the only way for them.
I do not have any event 5* or atlantis 5*.
From Atlantis I only have Triton (not good here for tiles) and Proteus (very valuable) but Rigard took his place for better healing and cleansing.
From challenge events I only have Gretel.
If I did not have Lianna, I would be going with Caedmon instead.
Besides the mob (non boss stages is full of blue monsters). Some bad boards with no red and a lot of frozen tiles and your red team may not survive.
Since mob monsters have no mana and specials I think they and their attack go by weak / strong colour rules.
I don not have Boldtusk, Wilbur, Falcon, Azlar or Anzogth.
I have Elena (3/70), Scarlett (+20), Gormek (4/70), Scarlett (4/70), Gormek (4/70).
I do not believe this red team will do the job even if green is weak against red and Gormek provides some defence down.
I have two accounts, one with a +18 Proteus and my crappier account.
I found the challenge easy on both. The proteus battle took longer but I felt safe the entire time. On the alt, I stacked reds and set up the board to shoot a zillion tiles at North from the start and it was over super quick.
I’m seeing people with much better heroes than I have struggle and I’m a little surprised. The second to last level was harder since North is protected by a wall of snowmen and setting up a great board doesn’t help as much.
No not really. The rewards are not worth the effort. First half if advanced is just as bad.
Your gonna die, die, die🙃
The stage with Mother North surrounded with snowmen is usually a longer battle:
I went with:
Kiril +20
Gretel +20
Rigard +20
Scarlett +20
Caedmon +20
Use Gretel / Hansel or timestop to drain her mana regularly or Proteus can help too.
Kill snowmen on the wings first and use the space for ghosting tiles.
If you leave the snowmen at the front alive and kill them last it actually serves like a shield for MN and she can not get that many tile hits and therefore generates mana slower. Meanwhile hit her with all of the sniper specials you can.
That is why I can not use the mono red team strategy.
I do not have the red elemental defence down heroes and Wilbur who I believe has better defence down % than say Gormek.
5 red heroes give decent damage however actually the defence (elemental + normal) down is the factor that increases the damage several times and makes it devastating.
I don’t know man. I can’t remember my exact team on my alt but I think it was Scarlett +9, Wilbur, Wu, Boldtusk and Rigard +18 and didn’t have any trouble. I’d give it a whirl with Gormek and try to set up some red tiles. If you go mana/time stops, bombs, axes and dragon attacks, you only need to shave off a marginal amount of hp off of north (5200 I think minus 4500 from the carpet bomb).
After carpet bombing It is about 1200 left for Mother North and Santa and about 850 for Buddy.
Still much better than full health
I havnt bothered with normal Maybe SG need to review the rewards for next time.
What is to bother with? Instead to spend WE on 8-7 or whatever mission you farm every day (excepting AR duration), you can let on autoplay for much better loot on normal mode (XP and craft materials)
I managed to finish the final stage on hard difficulty this morning.
Team lineup:
Wu Kong (max)
Melendor (4-44)
Hawkmoon (costumed +14)
Kelile (3-60)
Wilbur (4-61)
total Team score: 3149
Brought time stops, Bombs, small and medium mana potions
Did accumulate red tiles on the left side before the boss stage and went in all specials charged.
Then Wilbur for the defense down, Melendor to cancel the shared damage, Hawkmoon for attack buff, Kelile and finally Wilbur. Mother Nord went down right away after 8 red tiles hit her.
Then I kept the Buffs for my team active with mana potions, used a time stop to keep the enemys from minion spamming. Buddy went down shortly after that, and Santa had no chance all alone.
Finished with all 5 heros alive and most items remaining.
But it took me a while to figure that strategy out (like 4-5 tries)
I used harpoons
I was quite proud of my ftp account. I was not only surprised that I beat it in the first place, but surprised that I was able to do without continues (I was ready to do it)
My team: Anzogh (3/70), Sir Lancelot (+10), Scarlett (3/60), Proteus (+7), Melendor (Costumed +10)
Items: Axes, Arrows, Medium Mana Pots, Little mana Pots
Strategy: Used all items immediately, went in with all heroes lit up. Kept Proteus doin his job.
Got the rings.
Ascended Anzogh almost immediately.
My main account was a foregone conclusion to finish, but it was:
Zim, Natalya (+4), Elena, Falcon (+20), Ariel (+12) – Brought bombs, axes, medium and large mana. Only ended up using large mana.
Read all of the advices placed above and seen a dozen of videos in YouTube on this topic. Tried 3 times only with classic epic heroes and finally 4th attempt did it!!
with this team it was pretty easy !!! 2 heroes not fully leveled… Used most of the potions, 4 bombs and 2 time stops. None of the bosses fired!