Rush War is an Unplayable Mess

Idk what the suggestion could be for it other than straight up getting rid of it like they have with Field Aid from Alliance War. I’m not getting fun or investment and penalizing guild members for choosing their peace over participating a war that results in only 2 points from the matching forcing me against alliances with 7000 TP.

problem with rush war is its the same formula, just like GTV in their prime, now the formula for rush war is always Kalo - any hero - Alfrike - Any hero - MN. its the new GTV, its KxAxMn


Been very tired of trying to do a team to take out a tank at least and both it being the heroes you mentioned but also the boards repeatedly (almost every flag) never giving me tiles to do that, so I’m just wasting my decent and powerful heroes where I might get 1 probable hit in that gets undone anyway.

W3K, while it, too, has its issues, is starting to be more “worth” the effort sometimes. Until that, too, gets alternating conditions like the old Field Aid or the Rush Wars.

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I do not fully agree, IMO Kalo is op in this mode because of the long stoneskin duration, but you have to consider 3 things.

  1. Your opponent will have the same problems you have (except its a mismatch).

  2. There are a lot of Alfrike counters, many players collected and levelled them only for this war mode.
    ( e. g. C2.Li Xiu, Itham, Faez, Kitty, Suzuna, Vanda, Garnet, Grazul, Hathor, Cleo, Hawthorne, Lord Loki, Miki, all Taunters )

  3. Many players levelled slow and not very usable heroes for this war mode exclusively.

Those players would be upset if the mode is scrapped.

My advice: Try to get the „cheap“counters: Faez and C2. Li Xiu, level up to six of them and a few Rigards and you will do well against most Alfrike teams. Do not expect to win every fight. 180+ points in a 30 vs. 30 war will be good in vf.

Happy gaming


Can you also vote ‘against’ an idea? Because I actually like rush.

Yes, it is very much based on ‘lucky’ boards and a bad board can mean the game is lost, so live with the losses and cherish your wins. Getting 3/6 one-hits is already a nice achievement, lower the expectations compared with other war types.

As indicated above:

I really consider it a challenge to set up good, efficient teams to neutralize the Alfrikes and Ludwigs without triggering MN or Kalo. In general, this includes some support heroes to increase your own team’s performance and some snipers to take down the wings. I go 3-2 in general, with one of the colors being yellow, often combined with red or green.

Some time ago, I also always set up a def for rush with Kalo - Khufu - Ludwig - Queen Guowang - Mother North but came back from that setup as I was being one-shotted frequently.
I do not use Kalo nor MN nor Ludwig (don’t have Alfrike) but still it takes 3 to 4 flags on average to take my team down.


I love rush attack war. Cos… yes I would roughly know if its win or lose from my starting board, I don’t have to spend so much time on it and I can get it over and done with. Actually more important for me is seeing if my defense team gives others more single digit score.


I also enjoy rush. Yes, it’s more based on luck, but it’s a great opportunity to use some slow 3*/4* heroes and they can compare to 5* :slight_smile:

That’s right and, for me, it’s fun to use them here (no matter if win or loss).

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I enjoy the challenge of rush war. It forces me to think outside the box compared to other wars and raids. I also didn’t mind field aid, and would like to see it return, for the same reason.

For me, one of the stars of rush war is Treevil, a lowly 3*.

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absolutely not Rush war is great. i use 3-2 teams. 3 being the tank weakness. now i get it there are time qhen everything goes to ■■■■ but its all part of the game.
for those of you that play video games how many times were you about to defeat a boss only needing one hit only to die cause the boss did something unexpected.
RNG is crazy and thats what rush war is sometimes things dont work in our favor and othwr times they do.

Now if it never works in your favor you need to get into that hyperbolic time chamber and train heroes and troops.

I don´t mind rush war so much. Equalizer is the scourge!!!

Alfrike teams are easy enough to beat these days, which is why at top level nobody plays Alfrike anymore.

And lucky for everybody Alfrike counters are very cheap compared to what you need in all other war types. All you need are 3 and 4 star heroes.

Nah, the real problem is if Kalo gets taunt from a dead Ludwig for example. There are many counters to Alfrike nowadays, but dealing with undispellable stoneskin + taunt is still very painful and feels very unbalanced.

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I might have to start opting out. God forbid we get more Goblin heroes on Rush and actually see them knock my attack and defense to 100 with no way of resetting it.

True of course Kalö is one of the nastiest heroes in rush, but he is also far from invincible.

His main “weakness” is that he is always in a corner, so you do get a few turns before he fires, which means you have a rather high chance to get your mana control ready in time before he fires. his second weakness is his class, which cannot resist ailments, like Monks or Clerics do. So just fire a Proteus on his side and you are safe for a while.
And my preferred counter for Kalö is buff immunity. Just bring along a Mist or Franz or CSabina and his stoneskin won´t happen. The good thing about these heroes is they are great against other buff heroes, too. Usually you find a Ludwig next to Kalö, so a simple hit with Mist and you make both Ludwig and Kalö not only slower and more susceptible to damage you also prevent them from ever getting their nasty buffs :smiley:

Also he is only a 4 star hero and he has no defense aid from his class (no Rogue or Fighter or even a Paladin) to help him survive and very few people have him 2 LB, so in terms of damage, you need very little to take him out.

I think his number 1 power is to force you to his side, you kind of have to take his side out first, unless you have a guaranteed kill plus ghosted match on the other side. Which means he makes the other side more dangerous, no matter if it´s things like Khufu or MDW or a reviver like MN who often resist your control ailments and then launch a counterattack.

In my eye the absolute strongest hero in rush is Ludwig, especially if he gets Alpha-taunt, because that is an extreme restriction on when you can act. You need to either have a (priority) dispel on your damage stack or you need to wait out 3 turns. In rush 3 turns is usually when things start shooting you, so the window of opportunity is extremely narrow and sometimes impossible. Other alpha taunters place the same time limitations on you, but they don´t at the same time kill you by firing.

Well, there were proposals for an alternative format:

This is how I look at Rush war…

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:


I think the OP needs to opt out of rush wars and let the rest of us enjoy it.


I guess I need to 2LB my cSabina and Mist because there’s no way they’ll survive against the 5500+ teams I’m mostly facing at max emblems and lvl 70. Franz can survive, but if the enemy has 6 teams with a Ludwig and a Kalo then the options are pretty limited. In addition I have 2C Li Xiu, Proteus and Waddles all maxed and emblemed but still sitting at lvl 70 or lvl 75. Especially Proteus usually dies in the first 3 rounds against the big boys. Instead of them I would much rather 2LB my 5* prospects like Topaz, Rochefort and Barkley who I can use most of the time.

I have a lot of good maxed 5* heroes with emblems and 1LB, but nothing apart from Archie that can disarm Kalo outside of the 4* heroes.

And I STILL don’t have a single 5* taunter.

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I don´t have or plan on LB2 any rush specialists. But my 3 and 4 stars do just fine in rush in an alliance that´s hanging around the Top100 border. Our targets are usually 5.5k-6k+. Lower in rush where people don´t have their entire rush defs at LB2. The whole point is to use the heroes to neutralize the defense, which means they don´t kill you. Even Faiez can survive a few auto-hits and even Alfrike cubes. No big deal. Faiez will make you win against Alfrike, Ninja Granny (or whichever gigantic monster healer you might have instead) does not. Of course if you have 6 Hathors and Aramis you don´t need Faeiz or Grazul, but for regular people Faiez is much better than what they have. But if people instead bring a Raffaele, they will loose and then complain about rush.

BTW when I say 3 and 4 star heroes I talk about the 2 control heroes (the 1-1 part of the 3-1-1), not the damage stack. Very few 3 and 4 star heroes in the damage stack are doing the job well enough. The only ones I can think of right now might be C2Gormek (dispel) and C2Caedmon (damage, although his dispel/buff block can make him a supporter against Ludwig as well).

Rush is not as much about stats as other war types, which is another point of rush that I do enjoy. In rush it matters to have an intelligent team that has a plan on how to win and an intelligent way of playing that is nearly 100% different from how (at least ) I normally play the game.

Also 1 thing that is obligatory for rush: You absolutely have to have 3 mana troops (of any kind) at lvl 11 (of course higher is always better, but again rush is much less picky about your stats, lvl 11 is a minimum, everything beyond is merely a bonus). In every color of course. But that is a very small requirement compared to what troops are usually required in other war trypes. If you have that, you will have a team that will charge every hero in 6 tiles.

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Sorry this part I don´t understand.

The enemy has 1 defense (or 30 if you count them all) and it matters what you have 6 times for your 6 hits (like 6 Faiez wouldn´t be stupid to have, if you play in an area where Alfrike is the standard rush tank).

If you are worried how your def does against the enemy attackers that is of course an entirely different story, but you don´t need to be worried about Kalö attacking you, he sucks on offense :smiley: Ludwig on the other hand is a monster on offense, so people with Ludwigs sure have an advantage on offense in rush.

cSabina, Proteus, Mist and other 4* heroes with rather weak defensive stats tend to have very poor survivability if I use them on attack, and the enemies I’m attacking are mostly 5500+. I hope that clarifies. I wasn’t talking about defence.