🎃 Return to Morlovia (Halloween) 2020 - Teams, Strategy, FAQs, Discussion, and Links – Starts October 26

You are welcome @Zartanis


thank you for the update

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Yay! Such a huge fan of the Halloween holiday and anything Halloween themed is just :heart_eyes: and instantly transports me back to a youth of costumes, trick-or-treating and watching back-to-back comedy horror films that I’d seen a bajillion times over.

I’ve been saving my coins for this event since last year, (though I did burn 10 in a moment of weakness during Springvale) and since I don’t have a single Halloween hero literally any will be great!

Does anyone know if a Jack avatar will be available to unlock during the event? Because we’re seriously lacking in the Halloween theme department and I want a Jack o’lantern avatar like right now!!


If you check the OP under the Rewards section (or the guides section) you’ll get your answer :wink:


Ermahgerd!! Jack avatar!! :heart_eyes:

Thanks! I won’t lie, I got so excited by Morlovia incoming that I barely even read it before posting. :joy:


Are the emblems from Morlovia doubled ? I see they are 10 now the thing is that i cant remember how many emblems last lvls gave in sand empires.

Does dev bring good gifts from free gifts ? I thought Ans is NO, as they mentioned they bring awesome offers which need to pay , :man_facepalming:

If I remember it right, all seasonal events have a freebie every 7th offer. It’s not much, but its a freebie


did i read that table correctly, SG is GIVING hero’s as LOOOOOT? REALLY

At present they are not (based on the current beta iteration of Santa’s Challenge which still features 10x emblems per class).

I have made very specific mention of this & also raised concern about it for Morlovia… Will have to wait and see if it is increased or stays the same.


No info on a new family bonus?

Those are avatars. If you want a hero as a prize, try a monthly event.

@djmindcrasher I think it’s +5%/12% mana generation

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That is right. Don’t see much usefullness though as Lv11 Mana troop is enough to get rid of that extra tile for charging for Vic/Van and there is still not enough mana for them to drop on 5 tiles even with another hero involved, and then good luck getting at least one of them.

For event, I am sure Sif will be involved in hardest stages, as she reduces even DoT damage. And Miki to making Vampires shut the pumpkin up.

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I got a question as I recently just gotten the bench to be able to complete grimfoerst in legendary, for all vets out there if I was able to complete that without The use of gems to re try .you think I’ll be able to complete hard/advanced mode in RtM? Need that tabard for sartana

Any advice would be appreciated…if needed can show my bench

I definitely think you should be able to, and this has no reflect colour or restrictions for what heroes to use.

I did the previous one for this on Advanced with a 3,100 team, with heroes not fully maxed


Here’s my bench of my best hero’s

You can definitely do it.
If I had your choices, personally I would use 3x Purple (cRigard / Tiburtus / Proteus - I prefer regular Tiburtus because him + cRigard are Rangers, combined will be able to bypass stuff and cause more damage) and then depending maybe on some stages, I’d alternate with 2x Red (Boldtusk + Elena), 2x Green (cMelendor + Little John) or 2x Blue (Sonya + Arthur (or maybe Boril)

I think a lot would suggest 2x Yellow, and to use Wu Kong, but I personally hate him with a passion. He has made me miss vital tile hits which would kill bosses, only to make them fire and me have heroes die and/or me lose the game because of it. So, I refuse to use him unless I absolutely MUST use him as a yellow stack (i’d rather use my weak Gretel before Wu Kong). Luckily I have Miki maxed.

My above post with my 3,100 team that I used to finish last time, was the best heroes at the time. This time, I have a better bench/roster:

I wuld finish your Caedmon too.
I love Caedmon and his costume, I have two at max (and costumes) and they are +14 and +15. In wars they are extremely useful against Telluria or other popular tanks (such as Kunchen). I always make sure I have costume caedmon when facing either of those 2 tanks.
I am working on my 3rd now :smiley:

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You can do it. Morlovia was considered the easiest of the Seasonal event before the update. After the update it will be probably no longer the case, as special tiles in Sand Empire made it super easy, but last year I was able to finish it with way worse roster than yours. You have Proteus, who’s pretty much a win button. Create a yurple team involving him, Norns, Domitia, and Rigards and you should have little trouble.

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Thx yeah norns is great for offense… just got her gridded last night… but so far as been using her she can turn the tables, just wish they’d code something in for defense… but thanks for the advice :muscle:

It’s listed in the beta-beat thread:

The biggest use is in removing the NEED for the mana troops.

For example, if you have a dual family bonus, you can mana break Victor & Vanda with a Level 1 mana troop.

In the 4* arena, there IS no mana troop… So you can mana break Valaria & Frank if you get the 3x hero bonus going… For example, a 4* Bloody Battle or Rush Attack tournament team might look like:
Valaria, Valaria, Valaria, Frank, Jack (+15 or something)

Doing this would mana break all three Valaria to charge in 6 tiles (plus their DoT stacks/ resets each other to get it up to the max DoT quickly… plus decent sniping damage). It also mana breaks both jack & Frank. Frank will enhance the damage of the 3x Valaria too with his defence down & Jack’s Pumpkin bomb does ~20-25% of an average 4* heroes HP in one go… which will increase with the emblems assigned…

So there IS a use for the family bonus… Particularly when you consider that the Halloween Heroes are predominately Offence Based which is where the Mana Breakpoints are far more linear & important.

You should easily be able to complete the Halloween Event. I’ve done it previously only using 4* heroes. I believe that @madmarv has a video on his youtube channel about beating the Seasonal Events with only 4* heroes from S1.
Carpet Bombing defs helps :stuck_out_tongue: