Retiring from the 2600 grind

Done! Fastest speed level ever for me, for the right hero


I get to take a break (retire) from pulls this month as I managed to snag Clarissa on a free Atlantis pull :blush::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

First time for everything. First time my Atlantis grind paid off.

I may wait until October/Christmas to do my pulls now!!


My Telluria just became a whole lot more dangerous

Evil grin


Congrats man, that’s a long haul

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Thanks PooFlingerJr!!!

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awesome, congratulations! Telly AND Clarissa… I can just imagine how happy you were when those pulls came in!

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I got greedy.

After 7 tokens I pulled Guardian Falcon, so got hopeful.

I accumulated 2600 again and did a ten pull

Got nothing from the ten pull

Yep, that’s about right! Lol

Like I said, I rarely get anything from ten pulls or hoarding up. It usually happens by surprise off a random single pull…

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