Retiring from the 2600 grind

Would Atlantis tempt you?

It will to a degree but not as much as Guardians, mostly because of the 4 stars I still don’t have and I can always wait to do Atlantis on the hotm I want most. So if I make it through Guardians with gems in tact then I’ll likely have to decide between Atlantis or Event on JF’s month February

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Loot tickets

Yes! Loot tickets!

The only reason I still have VIP PASS is the 3x loot tickets per day. Spend 1x ticket per day, and save rest for leveling trick and Atlantis Rising.

Atlantis Rising

Cool. I hope it works for you.

I skipped Atlantis Rising since July ( was working on an Empire research project ) so used 34x world energy flasks for December Atlantis Rising.


Click for notes


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I appreciate your LT commitment to the game, having so many heroes queued! Although I have 3 Tcs as storage…one at 11, one 13, one 20, I have drawn the line at 5000 queued in Tc11. After that, I just waste the recruits!

4393 gems
Just ascended Joon and second BT

No regrets!

I don’t know what to spend my gems on tbh


I’m thinking aloud here: I’ll either spend gems on costumes or S3 next month

Not sure about the earlier comments on this thread about HoTM’s being better then vanilla TC20 heroes and are needed to keep up in war battles. Some HoTM’s have been a let down, and only serve a special purpose at best. I pulled Margaret and Neith in the last year, neither will have a place in my best side, and I use two 4* heroes (Triton and Rigard respectively) in my best team. I am close to levelling up Grimble, who I also pulled in December, but apart from using him for eliminating minions, he will rarely be in my best side. More times than not, I would probably prefer Wilbur over some of the HoTM,s. So if I am opting to use 4* heroes over 5* Hotm’s, then I can imagine there would be many TC20 HoTM’s that I would prefer. I only have three of them, Obakan, Richard and Elkanan, but just going through them, there is probably about 50% of them that I would prefer over about 50% of the HoTM’s.

A titan and a titan chest just gave me two damascus blades. That’s ridiculous, now I just need heroes to use them on…

I used 6000 gems on costumes and season 3

In total I got the BT costume and 4 season 3 3*.

Feeling pleased about BT and the new 3* but also feeling dejected at the same time. The non classic 5* losing streak extends to 16ish months.

Such is life lol. :sob:

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You’ll love it, grats. Got one in costume draw with my 3*s, nearly dropped my ph lol. FTP dreams

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Thanks Saicheeze, i got an EHT from a titan chest. And decided what da heck, just try


Some may call this a single token fluke pull (which it is) but given that I’ve had a dry spell since Nov 2018, that’s a lot of pulls!

Still as @korf said this is the one to do it on if it’s once every 1.5 years!!! :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sunglasses:


Super happy for ya mate, definitely the pull to get. Mine have come in streaks, 16 months nothing then blam Kunchen, Frida, Anzogh, Margaret all in a row…May-Dec nothing then xmas joy as Kage fell out of the portal, come PoV I used started using silver tokens as dummy pulls, if I didn’t hit a 3* hero/troop in theoretical 5-20 pull (depends on my gut feeling) then I would throw my roll out there, have got both JF and Tell doing it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Congratulations! I finally got Telluria to max, and she is fun. I especially love the green baby Totoro minions. :slight_smile:

PS: Her defense and health are insane too. She only has one emblem, mostly because Falcon is my Paladin, and I don’t want to strip his emblems.

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I have been waiting for someone like Telluria to take these Pally emblems and perhaps even Richards +6 too…


So jealous! :smile: Telluria deserves all the emblems. She’ll be even harder to defeat.

I have a boatload of fighter emblems myself. Very patiently waiting for Boldtusk to magically appear. I’m FTP, so it’s always a happy surprise when a good 4-star or 5-star appears.


Exactly why I probably will actually retire from the 2600 grind myself. It’s boring now. All overpowered tellurias and most stacked with Finley and several other over powered heros well…sigh…just blah now…

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The “2600 grind” he were talking in his first post were about the required amount of gems to perform a x10 pull tough. :stuck_out_tongue:

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The waiting and pain was worth it. Finally have a worthy green healer!


Almost ready for war

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This thread should now be renamed to “Retiring from the 2700 grind”.

2600 ain’t what it used to be…

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