Remove please the upside down pentagram symbol

I could care less but some think an inverted pentagram represents evil or Satanism.

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@Kerridoc @Rook I think this new thread should probably be merged to here?


Agreed @zephyr1, especially as the other post has a very educational response about what a pentagram actually is and its origins in history. I know I learned something from it.

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Dear SG,

I love this game. I chose it because it was a good vs evil game. I always thought the purple characters had made a decision to turn away from evil & use their powers for good; nevertheless I have made a commitment from the beginning to feed away heroes that were too dark, no matter what the level. I can trade away all the heroes with pentagrams in the same way; however, I am asking you to remove the upside down Pentagram symbol so I can continue to recommend the game. The use of the Pentagram in Witchcraft and Satanism and dark arts blurs the line between a fantasy game of good vs evil when it brings in religious symbols. I am not comfortable recommending this as a family friendly game as long as it is in use. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


Losing some players due to the pentagram with the new update. Lose the pentagram, win back some paying customers.


Canā€™t be serious. 20 things

Glad they didnā€™t include a swastika.


@JDerek this is clearly a concern for a number of people. Thereā€™s a main thread about this that Iā€™m going to suggest to the mods to merge this one into.

@Kerridoc @Rook FYI

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Good god, when did society become so fragile.


really ? imo this is just a game with fantasy stuff , should not be personal , many games also use pentagram stuff too , mix-ing fantasy and real-life would be never end story.

well maybe sgg should change pentagram to hexagram or octagram , but would it be another complain or issue to lost player too ?

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There are some who associate the upside down pentagram with witchcraft and Satanism. There are others to whom it is merely ā€œa magic symbolā€ commonly used in various roleplaying games.

I can see how the first might be offensive to some groups, and the second not so much.

I doubt SG was trying to offend anyone.

Having read all of the debate thus far, I think every viewpoint has been aired, so I am reclosing the thread.