Reduced Raid Tournament Loot During Work on Matchmaking [Developer Response in Post 334]

Welcome @1iJax :slight_smile:

Is it meant sarcastic or do you actually whine for getting free loot containing a 4* ascension item?

Sometimes I only can shake my head…


Pretty sure he’s trolling. That loot is on par with elemental chests.


Lol…oh I’m sorry, I thought this was the leave feedback on tourney reward reduction thread, also you really think going through a multi day event and finishing top 1% is worth one 4* ascension item? SG must love you.

So far I’ve gotten 2x level 70 ascension items on my main, and 3x on my alt. And only one of those came from top 1% loot. Some emblems and coins too, but pretty minimal. Worth the time spent, because I’m not at the point where I only care about level 80 items. Eventually, we’ll get back to where players have a decent shot at good emblem count and level 80 item.

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One rare asc item per week is ok imo…

I don’t think that they love me, but definitely my money. :rofl:


Curious. Are you opted out of alliance wars?

My God, the trolls keep getting better and better!!! Got to love this…

That’s actually more 4* AM then you get for finishing as number 11 in Avalon. So…yeah, that seems pretty good as an outcome to me.

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I don’t know if they’ve fixed the loot or not (I suspect not), but I have been extremely lucky. Top 1% for this war was: fine gloves, hero token, 30 sorcerer, 5 Atlantis. The last tournament I finished top 1-5% and actually got a dart, which really shocked me tbh.

Yep a 4* ascension mat is a fantastic outcome. Whining for nothing

Are we getting the original loot back next tournament or are we still catering to the whiney whales? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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They stated the reason for reduced loot. They have not fixed said reason yet. I don’t see why they would restore loot unless they’ve given up on fixing the problem.

It seems like the last few tournaments were running well, if we keep waiting we’ll never get the loot back. What is the criteria for reinstating the original loot?

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This is not exactly true. The last two tournaments had no horrible problems with matchmaking but they still adjusted it for every tournament a bit.

We’re still seeing low/zero defenses combined with high defense counts. It’s just much less prevalent. The scoring needs work. For people in the mid range, such as barely fielding 2500 to barely fielding 3500, it’s advantageous to be lower where it’s easier to beat up on opponents and the points difference isn’t nearly enough. They haven’t fixed the defense scoring, because people can just field a team with feeders for the wings.


I can’t understand why they don’t use similar criteria as they do for war matching. Forget about what players select as their defense team for the tournament, and base matching on roster strength instead.

Regardless, I also can’t understand why the loot still needs to be nerfed at this point. Even if some people are still figuring out ways to “game” the system, and even if there’s still some imbalance in how many times certain defenses get attacked, the overall leaderboard seems to be mostly merit-based at this point. And just because there was a vocal minority complaining that “undeserving” players got crazy good loot in the first tournament, I have to think 99% of players would prefer the loot to be returned to its’pre-nerf levels, even if some of it ends up being distributed to players who don’t “earn” it.


Right, but these are fundamental issues… it could be months before they figure out they need to take it back to the drawing board.

So can we live with the current state of things with them tweaking things every few tournaments AND get the loot back?

I say yes.

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I wish I could heart your comment 100 times

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Exactly. And when they do make this significant change, iterations may end up even worse than the first tournament. Might as well wait to restore loot. The current loot is still better than every other loot source in the game and requires the least effort so what’s the rush?

I’d disagree wtih “better loot”- top 1% doesn’t even get a non-farmable ascension mat unless you get lucky. How about they bump it to half the original loot now that it’s at least in a good place and not a cluster like the first tournament?

Honestly, there was no reason to drop the loot in the first place. The folks who made the most noise about loot were not thinking about the fact that they could have gotten the best loot the next tournament if they’d have stayed the course.

So really, what is so bad about giving out truckloads of loot right now? This is just like the other Atlantis Rises thread where people were complaining about more loot - I’m starting to feel like the people who have been playing this game for over a year don’t want anyone to get loot because it’s “not fair”.

Edited :snowman:

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