'Realistic' guessing game - Which heroes will be featured in the next Soul Exchange?

I thought Sargasso is already featured?


After 4 years of playing most of my raiding teams have at least 2 4*heros. ( Rigard and Proteus ) :slight_smile:

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Especially if you compare her to Justice! :rofl:

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Normal Finley for sure

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Both of those are amazing. I use them both very very frequently. Lepiota is just an amazing shut down hero that is fast. I run her with Hel and theyā€™re amazing together. Mitsuko was my first 5* in the game years ago and is still seeing top action with that mana cut and reflect. Absolutely amazing hero. Hope you get the one you want!

Iā€™m 100% sure itā€™s either Akkorog or Captain Nemo this time :smiley: Exceera is also a good option, but maybe she is too newish for now.

Salmon Loki for 10 heroes

Jade for 10 but if anyone is interested Iā€™d exchange her for free

They put gravemaker and Killhare in there, knowing Gravemaker already had a costume and Killhare was getting one. Both were fan favorites. I think that means we may see Seshat, Drake Fong, Jabberwocky, Lady of thevLake or White Rabbit with no costume.


This is a perfectly reasonable listā€¦ And Iā€™d skip this month if it were itā€¦

Garjammalā€™s self healing is priceless near the end of a close fight. I had her take out three hit all enemies, all by herself. She just keept healing over and over and over.

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Sheā€™s not a bad hero for sure. I just thought her price point in the exchange was too high.


All exchange prices are high. Or noneā€¦ depends a lot on how you choose to look at it. For me, getting one useful hero for 20 dust gatherers is a fair trade.


Agreed. Iā€™m running tc20s againā€¦ My math says in on year Iā€™ll have 36 for tradeā€¦ So 1 twenty tier and one fifteen. Leveling is slowerā€¦ But my problem had always been getting the heroes i want.


My prediction is that none of them got it right. :joy::joy::joy:


Thank you for your contribution. Keep up the good work!

Who knows heros for the next soul exchange

I want to choose my way in this game it s too late to anounce heros for soul exchange

LOTL in soul exchange? Iā€™d tap that so hard

Agreedā€¦ And even though boosted health is greatā€¦ I prefer the oiriginsl minions who just beat you down and never let you fire your special.