Random Atlantis summons.......not

Lol. That’s what i am experiencing every day :slight_smile: I’m working on a customer desk :smiley:

But i hope people will commit themselfves :smiley:

I know that @Sara clearly stated that the odds are always the same for all players.


You made me laugh out loud. Good stuff.

Sad for you to hear this, but my one 30x gave me Marjana, Tarlak, Triton, 2x Wilbur, 2x Sumitomo, Mnessus and Melia with the HOTM bonus.

I had done over 100 pulls spread over the previous three special events with only dupes of 4s.

YMMV is what they say.

Forgot the two 100 coins pulls which gave me GilRa and Ulmer


When I posted this I had no idea if the hilarious response I would get. This is better than the game. Well…almost

Even more: People who are extremely lucky are more likely to report than those of average luck. And because the odds for good stuff are already very low, it’s the extremely lucky that are going to skew the data more than the disappointed ones.

At least some folks at SG had to know this at the time when they were not publishing the odds.

It’s probably only hilarious due to your ignorance. You don’t seem to understand how the summons work and so far you’ve been dismissive of anything anyone has said to explain this to you.

You can’t argue the toss with someone who isn’t willing to listen.

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That’s a sweet draw. May not contain the 5 stars you were looking for, but such a result is way better than expected on average.

Your luck this time could be considered as another prove of my SPECULATIONS here. In order for SG to commit to the odds they have put for the pull there should be “a lucky time” where the odds on the person pulling are greater.

As a warning next time when you don`t get what you are after just STOP no mater how bad you need it. (This is just anther way to lose control next time :slight_smile: )

I don’t think that the odds ever change, but I do share your sense that there are “streaks” in the draws. I’ve twice had 10x pulls that include both a Classic 5* and an Event 5*, and those runs also included an unlikely (high) number of 4*. Very tiny odds of such an outcome. And then you get the runs with nine 3* and one 4*.

So call it superstition, but if I have a bad run, I don’t do a second 10x until later.

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What do you describe as a normal summons? Are you referring to the daily summons? If so, nobody can draw a 5* from there, because they aren’t included in that summons gate.


Not ignorance at all. I am a planner and work with probabilites all day. Random means an equal chance at an outcome. How does anyone rationalize getting 3 or more of the same hero in any group summons is random by any means? Not sure. If ep wants to be open about it post the odds. I have never seen any odds. The only catch all disclaimer is “Random”. Understand that I love this game and play religously.

I am totally surprised with the apparent support of the “random” process by players. I assume comments are not posted by developers or employees of the game. As always play on and use all flags.

To prove otherwise, an audit of the code and all logs would be necessary. Would SG give it without a warrant? To me, they do not blind me with Albys, Ares and hotms, this forum, the 4 alliances in which I have been and my 3 facebook groups of e & p, give me enough results to affirm that, with the data published by SG, the 5 * and hotms in the hands of f2p and people with runs less than 5, would be a rare variable, almost residual, and instead are a constant, as much or greater than in the next step of moderate payers. I do not doubt the manipulation.

Daily normal sure. Where does it say 5s are not included?

Of course there would be benefit, the more hotms players see, and taken out with ease, the more sensation they will have of having one. If you give them to players who never invest in the game, you lose nothing and call the attention of the payers, especially moderates, to spend. Then you look at the spending history and stop the fall until income x. Lique would be ruinous is that they fell quickly to compulsive spenders, but I have not seen such cases.

That little information icon at top left - it gives you the drop rates. As you can see, no legendary heroes in daily summon.

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“Random” does not mean “equal chances of all outcomes” as I’m sure you know. If the probability of getting a 5* hero is 1.5% and the probability of a 3* hero is 72%, then the random outcome is a 3* hero more often than not (72% of the time, in fact). Whether I win the lottery is random, but it does not mean that my odds of winning the lottery equal my odds of not winning.

SGG recently published all the probabilities of each summons and other random draw that uses gems. Tap the “i” icon in the upper left of any summons screen to see the odds.

Based on what we players have pieced together, the summons code works like this:

  1. Get a random number to determine how many stars the hero/troop has
  2. Atlantis or Event: Get a random number to determine whether it’s a special event hero
  3. Get a random number, with equal probabilities of getting any of the heroes/troops that match the characteristics determined in steps 1 and 2.

For example, how do we get a Mnesseus?

  1. Random d1000 roll for * level <=710 → 3* hero
  2. Random d1000 roll for Atlantis hero >307 → Atlantis hero
  3. Random d6 roll for which of the 6 3* Atlantis heroes = 4 → Mnesseus

The posted odds of a 3* Atlantis hero are 49.2%, so the odds of getting a particular 3* Atlantis hero are 8.2%. So it’s not mind-numbingly unlikely to get three identical 3* in a ten-pull, especially if you don’t pre-specify which of the 3* you get three of. I’ll leave it to someone else to do that math.


The chance of getting three or more identical 3* Atlantis heroes in any given 10x summons is a bit more than 4%, so it should happen about once in every 25 10x summons.

The chance of getting four or more identical 3* Atlantis heroes from 14 summons (I believe that was the situation quoted a few posts back) is about 2.5%, so it should happen about once in every 40 10x summons.

So both of these outcomes are unlikely, but neither of them are hugely unlikely. If everyone in your alliance used a 10x summons then someone would very probably pull three of the same 3* hero, and if everyone in your alliance summoned 14x there would be an outsider’s chance that someone would pull four of the same 3* hero.

(Note that here I have only considered Atlantis heroes. If you include season 1 heroes in the analysis then the chances increase a little bit.)


I have a HOTM and have never spent a cent. A lot of us do. You make no sense.

You got me, I spent 20 thousand dollars to pull Alasie, wait no I didn’t, I got her, Kiril and a 4 star Mana troop for 250 gems, and 4 dragon banners. Free, can’t beat free.

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