Rage 2.0 recruit (4 openings, L14 titan)

Rage 2.0 is looking for few new members.

Despite the name, we are pretty easy going and chill, our current leader is Thalia. We currently have about 26 members, with TP ranging from high 5000 to low 7000. We have an active and friendly community.

We are not competing at the very top, so no pressure for over spending or extensive commitment. The only rule is if a member decide to opt in the war, he/she is expected to use all flags. But It’s totally up to each member whether they want to participate the war.

Few members recently left to pursue more competitive level, so we like to fill the openings to keep our Level 14 titian rolling.

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We’re still looking for a few friends to join us. We’re regularly taking 14* titans. Come and hang with us for a while. The door is open.

3 openings, come and join us! any question, we’ll be happy to answer

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