PSA: don't use a single 1* hero as a valid AW defensive strategy for everyone in your alliance

That was a great matchup and we can’t wait to see you guys again across the field. Well done.

LOL tell me about it. I did have the luck of another alliance trying the silliness out on us, and we defeat them convincingly enough to prove my point without me having to provide screenshots or forum links.

Good luck!

This is a never ending story. If in the next update SG force to have 5 heroes teams, you will see a bunch of 1* heroes full teams, and so on.You will always have people seeking to divert the spirit of the game and find the exploit that, they think , gives them the advantage.

You overlook something;
It is a perfectly valid defense IF the attacking team is as stupid as the defense.
The hope is that they waste all of their good offense going after garbage and then cannot take out the high point teams.
Since the teams setting these up are probably inexperienced and they are roughly matched to opponents of the same level, it probably does work somewhat. Once.
Just so you know the idea is not dead yet, Apr 29, we are fighting one right now.
It is things like this that the internal Alliance communication would be best suited for.
The cure is to go after the high point first and leave the singles for weak players and mop up at the end.

We are playing a team right now that put all 3000 teams and all others had 1 red star hero… our team is smaller with No one having a 3000 team. At this point I’m ready to quit when high level players cannot face lower teams straight up. If this continues i will probably uninstall… man up with alliance or get out.

Coppersky has reported in this thread that there are matching system and defense team improvements being tested in beta which she thinks should help with this kind of poor sportsmanship.


Honestly, anyone who falls for this anymore deserves it.


It’s about to end anytime soon

It ends with the newest updates.

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