Possible bugg/error..? (abnormal defeat)

a decent board helps but in most cases it is about how long I can survive until I have my tiles needed :slightly_smiling_face:


A big difference once you hit the very elite level is just depth in teams too. Can your whole alliance bring 6 top tier offence teams? Because they can. Plus you are hitting tougher defences vs them not which is to say your 6 choices are are all basically the same. There’s no let up. They can easily pick your teams off and let them respawn. If you have 6 bera they can work your defences a whole lot easier than you can work there’s.

It’s just a bad mismatch but also you get to see what the very top is like. If you had aspirations to achieve that, well, you just got a good look at it.

Our top alliance is Saders (Top 50+) will get beat by the very elite alliances.

It’s just the pecking order in the jungle.


So true. Having the needed counterheros also helps a lot. We share a lot of vids and ideas in our alliance. Thats why I changed several teams for this war too, since this lovely Lady cadi, gave me a good idea, I almost forgot about. So this might be our secret too. Helping each other on ideas :slight_smile:


Nino, I was also one of your opponents and just like Cray and others said - it was a brutal mismatch for you. We’ve massively lost the war before, you were probably on a great run before being matched to TLL. Congrats to that - it shows that you’re clearly on the right way and I’m sincerely sorry for the harsh result on the last war.

I did 5 one shots against you guys, but believe it or not, there was only one great board. The rest was a lot of work to succeed and was at least three times close to a miss.

Clearly, we have some troop and roster depth to do so and probably survive that little bit longer to succeed and that makes things easier…but we’re also just putting our pants on like you and do not manipulate anything :wink:


How do you know :face_with_raised_eyebrow:? I always do my war hits naked :crazy_face:


I was totally on your side until I just saw some of you are wearing pants when you play?!?!?

I’m switching sides here…clearly shenanigans were at play. SGG need to investigate this pants issue.


I’m with you. Since lockdowns and 100% working from home I wasn’t aware pants were still a thing. I just assumed that they weren’t in circulation any more. If there is a resurrgence in pants then it is definitely concerning.


Of course we didn’t play with 3* heroes… That’s why we managed to make 6,4k points against your very good defences.
But 8,2 k it’s way to much… I didn’t heard about such score till now :wink:
Congrats TLL for your skills, but the boards were there too!

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The bigger issue for you guys to consider is pants vs no pants. That’s where the conspiracy starts here.


Who wants to join a NO PANTS! Alliance Family?


Okay okay, you got me. I confess. I was playing without pants. Buttnaked during moonlight.

I just couldn’t stand the pressure any more. Sorry @Hilaria for revealing our super secret strategy.


The mental pressure? Or the pressure of tight jeans on your buttocks?

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So really what you are saying is that every successful one-shot over the “expected” rate must equate to great boards (or an exploit of some sort). :thinking: May as well give up as you stated in your original post since the outcome is already decided. Couldn’t be a better war strategy or better hero synergies for extending battles for the board to turn to your favor.

We at Saders go into EVERY war expecting to win…even if it is a “mismatch” because we have confidence in our strategy and skills. We actually have an avatar “punishment” for anyone that blames the boards for their loss in a fight. Do we fail miserably sometimes? Of course! Chalk it up as a learning situation and move on to the next!

Think this has now been beaten to a pulp. Good luck to you all and hopefully SG will investigate to set your conspiracy theories to rest. Let us know the outcome! :ghost:


It’s just your alliance and their alliance is at different level, why so hard to except that? They have better heroes and better troops as well.

We one time matched with an alliance 50 rank higher than us too, and get destroyed by 2k different in war score. It is what it is.

Well two times actually, in 2 different alliance I were in lol.

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I had 6/6 one shots this war and I can confirm I have the bench to have done another 2-4.


Haha LMFAO ! That’s so funny :laughing:

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Dont worry some of us even play with a blanked Butt on the street :smiley:


Yes, it’s normal to have “the bench” at this lvl, but without a good board, you can atack with “6*” heroes and lose…
Don’t tell me that you never lost a fight cuz a bad board!

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It’s not about losing a fight due to a bad board… it’s about winning a fight with a bad board!


It seems you are trying to be funny…
The definition of a bad board is that you can’t win… no good moves, or absence of the colours you need from the board.
Don’t try to get philosophical, you’re to young :wink: