šŸŽƒ Portal Stats & Summon Results ā€“ Return to Morlovia (Halloween) 2021

Well I didnā€™t get anything like I said above but frank, Jack and Vlad but today I used my s3 coins and on pull 4 out popped Russell so I stopped. Iā€™m happy and am going to use last 2000 coins on December when odin and gefjon are featured. I got rings this morning from mystic vision so maybe it was a sign though I had 19 already.
Good luck to those still trying.


Man itā€™s killed my feeders and food storage but Iā€™ve managed to get Vanda finished.

All 3 were new to me so Iā€™ve had to do both sidesā€¦it will take months to replenish those supplies :joy:

No food for emblems on Vanda yetā€¦plus I canā€™t decide how to go it anyway


I faced defense with this unemblemed trio, family bonus makes them insane, Iā€™m curious how good they can be fully emblemed and LB.

Congrats, you got fastest combo 3 in game :slight_smile:

Mind you, to also find 2 other mana speed boosters from 2017 family or with elemental links for even faster speed ? :slight_smile:

Nice one mate! Did you end up with dupes of some of them or exactly 1 of each? :smiley:

Exactly one of each. I got Francine and Vanda from 18 EHTs. Was going to stop but quite wanted Jack so spent the 22 I still had and got nothing. An alliance mate pulled Jack so I thought ā€œIā€™ll throw a final 300 gems in for 1 last pullā€. That got me Victor.

For context Iā€™d been saving Valhalla coins for 5 months to have a shot at Alfrikeā€¦spent 85 summons last Valhalla and got a Kadilen.

Sometimes the game pays outā€¦sometimes it doesnā€™t :joy:


Oh thatā€™s awesome, congrats! Haha yeah I totally get that, sometimes we luck out but most of the time we donā€™t haha. I got Victor and Francine after 100+ pulls but Iā€™m not going for Vanda since I would most likely end up with a dupe of the other two. Shame cause she was the one I needed the most!

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I got an EHT from MV twice this week. :heart_eyes:

Best of two more single pulls (EHTs):

I missed out on Jack last year, so Iā€™m happy to get him. :+1::+1::smile: Iā€™ve used a total of 14 EHTs on this yearā€™s summoning portal, and Iā€™ve gotten 7 dark (!) heroes. :rofl:

The other EHT from MV result:

Good luck to anyone still trying! :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:


Finished Morlovia in the last day with a 3 star premium team(just 1 epic)

Now iā€™m getting the tabards please empires send me the purlple Legendary hero haha


So since today is the last day of Morlovia, time to sum up the monthly pullsā€¦

Francine x2
Frank (few of him actually, kept and maxed just 1)
Many Jacks, Vlads and even Valerias

Sadly, no Vandaā€¦ but I am cursed as I never get any reds that I want to use my surplus of rings on (but have 6 ******** Russells at 1.1 forever). Still not bad results in something that was about 70-90 pulls (didnā€™t count) which all were from EHTs.

Victor is already at his 4.40 and going up, his costume at 3.70. Francine & costume parked at 3.70 - and I started leaning towards giving her the tonics once the 6th appears, over Elradir who sadly again will get skipped (and I planned maxing him ever since he was in beta if only I pull him which I did). I maxed Frank but didnā€™t have chance to use him anywhere yet. All the other heroes are food. Used to have each of them maxed, but sadly none of them usable (even Jack who I really love for the art alone) so they didnā€™t survive roster cleaning.

Overall, happy with the results this year. I donā€™t really fancy any of the costumes that are going to be offered on Christmas, donā€™t exactly want Pengi and Krampus who I lack, so no regrets that I used my tokens here and not saved for Christmasā€¦


Got two ehts from the war chest. So tried again in the hope of a francine or vanda ( hell even a Frank or valeria)

Got grimm an chao.

Oh well time to save for springvale

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I am just on contrary with you.

I got Agrafena on wizards tower, so I wasnt in need of Victor, who I really wanted before I pulled her, and I got C. Gravemaker a week ago, so I wasnt pulling hard for Vanda. I already have Francine from last year.

But I really wish Krampus, Santa and Pengi :stuck_out_tongue:

Hopefully I can setup a team of Mother North - Santa - Freya - Krampus - Motega
Or If I pull Pengi then its Mother North - Krampus - Santa - Freya - Pengi :slight_smile:

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