Poll Help for Outfitter

Now Its official - 300 for 5*, so who will get the first outfit:
I have one Ledendary S5 - Sobek, but his costume is too new, no S4, S3 - Heimdall, Alfrike and Fenrir, Event heroes Gazelle, Kong, Guinevere and Rumpell… and few HotMs: GM, Aeron, Aegir, Ares.
If it is a monthly event Im going to collect them all by the end of the 2025, but who do i take December 7th:

  • Heimdall 4/80 +25
  • Alfrike 4/85 +20
  • Fenrir 4/85 +20
  • G. Gazelle in progress
  • G. Kong 1/1
  • Guinevere 1/1
  • Rumpel… 4/80 +20
  • Gravemaker 4/85 +20
  • Aeron 4/80
  • Aegir 4/80
  • Ares 1/1
  • Sobek (when available) 4/90 +25
0 voters
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Guess a tweet is official enough. Still can change and say “oops!”. But I’ll go with 300. Easy choice. They don’t usually make choices like this easy. Going with Vivica’s Toon costume if it’s available.

Alfrike costume too new so won’t be in this one. I really think it depends upon how often this will come. If it’s once a month Gazelle can wait until she’s finished. And if it’s once a month why not Gravemaker? Since he’s utterly useless right now and would get off the bench. If it’s 3-4 times per year I guess the vote is for Gazelle.

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Relevant tweet

“Prices have been revealed”

This would mean more if other things tweeted haven’t been incorrect recently


Vivica Toon will have to wait until April/May next year. And would only get her if you have her two other costumes since you get the oldest available costume for that hero. Search for ’costumed xxx’ and the oldest it can be is first week of may 2023.

Personally I’m having a rather hard time to choose. It may have to be Gazelle but there’s other fun choices too like Perseus, Athena, Hel, Lord Loki, Alberich, Evelyn, Zeline, Panther or maybe Zimkitha (because I have two at 80, could bring two to 85 and would have greater impact on roster with suddenly two decent mono red if the need arises). Some of those I use still and they would actually be good again. Or take someone I’ve stopped using and get some enjoyment from them again.


Thanks… have the other two. Didn’t know what the date was though. Toss up between GGazelle and GPanther, I guess.

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Unbelievable but believable considering it’s zynga fried brain. What did they mistook? Just for curiosity.

Just very recently - tweeting multiple times that Owl Tower is coming - even saying Owl Tower just a few hours before we got… Ninja Tower.


It tends to be their weekly calendars with errors. Here we have one from today that says we have tavern of legends this week.


M’y first choice will be Krampus, thé outfitter is thé reason why I LB2 him…

Next on the waiting list are Mother north, gazelle, Loki, and probably some other héro that It’ll get from fated summon.

By the way this new event make FS really interesting again!

Alasie became a really good pick. I Hope to get enough summon to pick her.
Guardian Kong became interesting too…

Both of them were crap without costume

How old is Guinevere costume is it worth it?

Thinking about Guin too, have an alliance member with her and she is really solid for him (regularly on his war D)….even though the stats top out at 1270 or so :thinking:

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My 4th vote go to Guinevere


Need help deciding. Always been after Guinevere costume, but been wanting gizelle too.

So giz vs guin


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Lord Loki is a must, on that list

Still use her regularly on war attacks and like most heroes, sporadically outside of that.

The mana cut is fantastic even though many heroes can resist it.

The juice lies in the dark reflect for war attacks, you know there will always be a problem team with a dark hitter (or two if you are lucky). C Guin gets the win, brilliant if you can pair with a Bard or some other mana boosting hero to ensure she fires in time.

I cannot say if she should be your priority but I doubt you will be disappointed (I have her LB2 +20 so she is robust)


I know queen Guine is super cool but she is not as half useful as Gazelle is.

Why does gizelle have a lasting debuff on your team when skill description only says she first debuffs then applies dancing on them.

Part of dancing is immunity to status effects.

In this list Alfrike isn’t offered. Seems like she should be. Is this recurring or a 1 off event?