Please give us the reroll back - or another solution for our raid groups [MASTER]

Thank you. I’m an honest person who plays by the rules. I won’t judge you if you don’t but I will expect the game to stop you.


It was within the rules they just stopped it and it upsets me :sleepy:

I fail to see your point. You spend upwards to 200k in food in rerrolls but you’re upset for a free reroll?

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I used the free rolls to find teams with 35k+ food and 20k+ iron. Don’t care about difficulty.

V30 is costing me loads of resources. On average I now get targets with 15k food and 7,5k iron. With 30 raids a day I am missing out on 600k food and 375k iron a day… I could reroll for better iron, but that drains food, which I need most.

Free rerolls, more food drops, more farms. I just like to see more options to get more food :wink:


As it so happens, some keep going through the revenge buttons in their watch towers to find an online opponent and use the free reroll to find a viable opponent.
I know, most of us don’t have the patience and time for that. I don’t get the exchange of time for food… I mean in this case, the returns don’t justify the time spent. But, again, that’s from my perspective. :man_shrugging:

This is uncalled for.

It’s no longer within the rules.
SGG sets the rules in this game.
So, if you are a stickler for rules, may be you should follow this rule too. :slight_smile:

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I agree. My thoughts too, more or less.

If those free rerolls actually end up saving a significant amount of food (read comparable to upwards of 200K) in a day or two… then they are being used an inordinate number of times:

  • Lots of wastage of time. (Again that’s a personal preference. I don’t want spend most of my E&P time searching for opponents)
  • Clearly, that’s exploitation of a loophole (which SGG duly corrected).

I mean I enjoy the occasional free reroll when my opponent is online. I just don’t get how much time one must be spending searching for free rerolls (not to mention avoiding Telly tanks) to be able to justify 200K or a comparable amount of food in searching for raid opponents.

Not sure whether I am becoming too old or whether everyone else spends more time on the game. :no_mouth:

It was a joke, lighten up a bit

It didn’t seem like that in the first go. Definitely not from how you responded to @Cheds. (And if it was indeed a joke, then you should have said so then itself.)

But… I am going to give you the benefit of doubt here.

If it is a joke as you indeed said, then clearly not many liked it. May be we all need to lighten up. :slight_smile:

That’s because you haven’t read it properly :roll_eyes: The 200k was an example, I use the reroll all the time.

Yes sir No sir, sorry boss, I mean captain :rofl:

Would like to think if someone had an issue with my comment they would respond without others trying to turn it into a problem

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What was the proper reading?

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Won’t lie, I used it occasionally also, mostly in my very thin-food times when every 10k mattered (usually I didn’t care enough to go through all this procedure when all I had to do was just click on the intended button). I am not going to miss it though. It was silly to be there in the first place. Should have been patched long time ago.

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This is the easy solution: let me raid the guy as a REVENGE while he is online no matter his cup level. Easy.

It’s annoying to attack a guy, lose and then not be able to attack again because he happened to get online. Let me finish up my revenge! Please.


I mostly go against telly, people frequently don’t know what they are talking about here. You know raids reward ham and iron, right? I’m rerolling to find a player with a high ham return

Oh my god, i thought we all are but being cynical is your signature quality as it seems.

For the millionth time, it was the same thing when they removed the ham cost. They did it under the hood like this time around, and it was there for every single player. So please continue polishing your halo and turning a blind eye that it is as fair as it cost ham to reroll when an opponent is online

Last time i checked, i could still state what i like and don’t like about the rules. That also enables people to tell me to shut up and play but well, it’s for the best

Do you mean like without making unnecessary jokes?

And I wasn’t trying to turn anything into a problem. I was agreeing with a couple of other posters here and presented my reasoning for the same. I am sure I am allowed to present my opinion.

Please go through my responses when you do not feel aggravated.

I am not looking for any altercation.

Peace!! :v:


I was just pointing out the irony in his statements.

Saying he doesn’t like the new rule… but quoting another rule to support his stance.

However, I understand where you’re coming from and I respect that. :slight_smile:

Let’s keep it friendly, folks


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