Official posts ( you can also search for more posts ):
Continuing the discussion from 1.12.5 Release Notes:
- 13- and 14-star titans removed for the time being
The feature appears to be close to release and is just undergoing Operating system/ Hardware Beta testing.
4:00P UTC
As I said it is my play style.
==Limited Hero XP==
I only have the Hero XP to ascend 2- 3 rainbow 5* 4.80 teams per year, and any rainbow 5* 4.80 team I ascend takes Hero XP, and 3* ascension items, away from rainbow 4* 4.70 teams.
==Synergistic and Color stacking==
Since I use synergistic 4* 3.60/ 4* 4.70 teams, strong/ neutral color stacking and 1*/ 2* battle items, I often score more points on titans and war than older teammates who ascended some of the training camp 5* heroes to 5* 4.80 and use 4* battle items.
This is probably a design choice since most of my best 4* 3.60 heroes are gems summons from seasonal events, challenge events and Atlantis events ( I desperately want Proteus, which makes the Devs payroll department happy ).
==Depth and Hoards==
By having more 4* 3.60 it gives me versatility on combining special skills that I would not have if all my 5* heroes were leveled ( looking at you Thorne ) and all my original 4* heroes leveled to 4* 4.70.
By having more 4* 3.60 I did not drain my hoards and I was able to use those stockpiles to 24 hour level Hansel to 4* 3.60, plus four other heroes on a rainbow team to 4* 3.60 and another rainbow team half way to 4* 3.60 ( I swapped Hansel for the 4* green I was currently leveling ).
Once I have three more heroes ( I have Jackal - and his orbs - for yellow ) I will level Hansel - I have his shields - to 4* 4.70.
Similar to most Gacha based MMOs, a lot of Empires is getting the paywall locked heroes.
==Limited Time Events==
I missed 2017 Snowman avatar because I did not have a decent rainbow 4* team. I will never get another chance. I spent huge amounts of food leveling my troops, but I just did not have enough Hero XP and 3* ascension items to get a strong rainbow 4* 4.70 team. My forge was also not yet Level 17.
If I had used my shields on Caedmon or Little John last year, I would not have them this year for Hansel since Hansel was not yet released. Same for Gretel/ Orbs and Proteus/ Trap tools ( okay, I have a metric ton of trap tools, but last year I did not and could not now my future trap tool situation ). I doubt Caedmon or Little John would have been as helpful against Mother North as Hansel 4* 3.60.
People who miss Santa’s Challenge due to missing a particular hero can try again next year. But the current business model encourages you to spend as much as you can afford to summon good heroes, and use duplicates to level those heroes, in case the rewards from the 2018 Santa’s Challenge never come back.