Perseus’ HOTM pros and cons

Hmm i would have to test this

Yay a reason to dust off perseus(no joke i seriously think it’s been 6 months or longer since I’ve used him)

A lacklustre hero is one that does a few things at once none of it spectacular.

Why he is hated:

A sniper that doesn’t kill (needs to up his damage or minor damage to the target’s flanks)
Heal stop for a single hero (just do it similar to Rana would be great)
Green defense (still not so bad - but green has alot of dispel heroes)




Why couldn’t i simplify it like that…



Reading your comments I don’t know what to think about him…
He is my 2nd ice 5* after Magni and I have 13 scopes in my inventory. I will bring him to 3/70.

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Don’t like him.

So I am not pulling for the current Atlantis.


IF you max him, just going from magni to perseus you’ll see what I’m saying

The difference in tile&skill damage plus the difference between the utility of the defense buffs is pretty obvious



Gryphonkit, my wife, and I have Perseus since the first time they were available. We both have every blue paladin HotM in the game. merciless RNG is weird


( say it all together) Leveling Perseus really depends on your roster.

Field Aid

And how much you hate enemy healers / Field Aid ( WR ).

(Can we just get rid of Field Aid already? - #103 by Gryphonknight)


Gryphonkit, my wife, loves Perseus at 5*+1 .

5* 3.70

I use my Perseus 5* 3.70 all the time, especially in Field Aid ( War Rule ). Usually in a 3x neutral blue stack. Non dispellable, -100% healing for 4 turns on a fast mana speed special skill will usually take out 2-3 enemy heroes during Field Aid (WR). Was really helpful with Rigard in a corner during old Revenge bar. Arrow Barrage is significantly weaker.

I have a ton of blue in my roster, so unlikely to level Perseus to 5* 4.1+ .

5* 3.70 heroes, and 4* 3.60 heroes, are also cheaper. Good for heroes you use mostly in war or tourneys. Hero XP, and 4* ascension items, are deliberately rare to increase IAP of summons and ascension items.


2 years, and 3x Isarnia, before I got Magni. I finally had to run 3x Legendary training to get purple 4* Cyprian, blue 5* Magni and purple 5* Sartana ( still missing green 5* Lianna and blue 5* Richard).

So lots of play styles concentrate on what you have in your roster, especially for 5* heroes.

4* ascension items

It also depends on how many ascension items you have.


On topic of embleming, if you have maxed Grimm or Triton and can get 18 nodes on either, they’ll be great adds to your blue stack and save you scopes. Of course my advice comes from perspective you frequently summon heroes and are likely to see better ice 5* soon. If you are F2P and solely reliant on TC20, then RNG is cruel and may want to re-evaluate Perseus. It’s very relative on whether you are restricted by heroes or mats

got him on a x20 pull, my first hotm after 1 year with neith… 2 almost useless heroes especially perseus, magni is much better.

Hope perseus will be buffed one day but i doubt SG will ever take a look at him, he needs at least a healing decrease on 3 ennemies or a normal defense buff instead of his nature def buff.

Perseus deserves an upgrade just like many other heroes already have. He is a good hero who is no longer up to date. His skills need to be adjusted. The question is whether SGS also wants to do this of course? He must not be forgotten as a hero so that he remains usable again.

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PRO: Great for healing aid wars.

CONS: Healing aid wars no longer exist…


Same with all the Sand Empire.

But since this thread was resurrected, does his healing prevention also negate boosted health? If so, he could be useful in a stack against a Baldur containing defense.

Perseus is valid against team with heavy healing. Be it HoT or instant heal. Many new heroes are HoT which he would be able to slow down that heal to a crawl. He would also charge faster than most healers.

He is just not great for defense.

True. But when you have Vanda and Victor who also steal healing instead of just blocking it and in general do more while being faster, there is not much reason to bother with Perseus. Same with Sand Empire (hence Yunan getting much better mana speed boost for his costume).

Also, the block (and steal) works on almost any healing. Regular, BOOST, HoT, OHoT - the sole exception is Raffaele and his initial ‘heals everyone to 50% of MAX HP who currently has less than that’ (same for Candy, I assume).

Well you mentioning 2 heroes that were released much later than Perseus. Not to mention event heroes that appear only during Halloween.

I’m just saying that for an old HoTM, he is still valid in current meta although his stats could use a boost.

I wouldn’t say it’s valid. Bai Yeong blocks healing AND blinds. Perseus is not only bad with stats, but his kit is behind as well. I do think his heal block lasts longer…but still think he’s one of many that could use a kit upgrade. Not gonna complain about it though as I know SG isn’t going to start balance patches any tine soon.

He’ll be upgraded through a new costume.

Only at 75% and 2 rounds, which is cleansable. Timing can be tricky.
Perseus is uncleansable for 4 rounds. I don’t think you can equate the two or say that Bai Yeong is similar when it comes to healing.

Thing is about all the other heroes mentioned, you can cleanse the ailment. So usually my go to is to use a cleanser (Zimkitha), then a healer, and no problems. Perseus’ ailment can’t be cleansed so he can be painful in that respect.

Edit: So now that I think about it, he is a perfect counter to Baldur. I find him painful on a one-to-one end battle type deal. But if you can hit him with Perseus, you can keep feeding him tiles and he will do nothing. It wouldn’t be the first time an older hero made a newer hero obsolete, i.e. thinking of Kingston and J-F.

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Perseus was a subpar hero when he first came out, and he’s only grown increasingly useless over time. I’ve had him ascended forever, as he was the first, or one of the first, blue fives I pulled, and I have hardly used him in years.

His damage is too low. His heal negation is far too limited, as it only stops one hero. And his green protection, while nice on paper, is nearly useless as you don’t want to bring blues against a defense with a strong green presence.

He’s one of the most glaring heroes in need of a revamp, and it’d be nice if SG would take a long look at making such heroes relevant.

The game has shifted further and further away from the player base who originally invested heavily in the game, as new heroes have long surpassed 90% of those original heroes. It’d be nice to see them do something to reward those older players who have stuck it out, while also making the heroes in question a bit more interesting for the newer players who happen to draw them.


Snap :slight_smile:

My second pulled 5* (after Thoth If I recall correctly) and my first leveled 5* and has been on the bench for quite a while now.