Perplexed About Opponents 798 Power War Team

Today’s Alliance Wars has me confused as to how my opponents have 5 defense teams with powers rangeing from 3902-4500, and one team with 798 power. Am I looking at a game glitch or something intentionally done? The 5 teams are well coordinated with a slight variation of heroes but the colors are the same. The odd one out has 4 unleveled 1* green heroes and 1 unleveled 1* red hero. The troops aren’t default troops, they are 1* & 2* troops. The owner of the team is an elder with an xp lvl above 40, has been with his alliance for over 200 days, and his raid defense team looks nothing like his war defense team, with 5 emblemed 4* heroes and 3* troops at 3810 power. Their side of the battlefield truly looks off, and I don’t know what to make of it.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Sandbagging in Alliance Wars? Good Strategy or Cheating?