šŸ‘ŗ Pepperflame - 5* Fire / Red from Goblin Village

They ruined 2 peperflames, 2 erlang shens, 1 starwalker, and 2 pophits for me and i got 3 tomes. These thieves need to go to jail. All of those cards are useless to me now. Now pophot and garten are useless, they should be forced to refund every penny spent in those portals that featured them. False advertising is illegal.


And some players with far fewer heroes received far greater recompenseā€¦feel valued?

soā€¦ is pepperflame still worth 6 rings?.. I got her at bithrday portal where i put her on featured heroes, after such a time i manage to collect 6 rings, and just before I upgrade her she got nerfedā€¦ Very disappointing

So they nerfed the best hero i have in my near obsolete f2p roster due to powercreep. And they did it harsh on 4 different things.
-Lower damage
-lower growth
-lower def down
-and severly nerfed the damage output by removing the damage trigger on replace.

That last thing would have been enough as a nerf to remove her from meta anyway.



How sway?

That was from a player with 1 Starwalker.

Iā€™ve no idea how sgg are deciding how compensation is apportioned, but it is clearly not being done on number of affected heroes


Thats madness, what was the criteria?

I have erlang, pophit, starwalker, grim, fizz, and received 2 epic tomes lol

All I can assume is some players are more valued than others

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Im gonna take a break from spending for a bit, i hope some of you are smart enough to do the same. We need to stop rewarding their bad behavior.


I have Erlang and receivedā€¦.


For one Pepper


i got same 2 epic level books like this will compensate anything?

what help us to level up another hero that will be nerfed next?

worst part is change of heros purpose and work and even is needed is sad to see how much time need to pass to devs to realise that this was not intended behaviour or that is too much

ps getting first 5* hero in 2 months from day i blocked purchases and is alesie (new) without costume is feel :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::persevere:
better donā€™t give it to me
hate to see in portal heroes shown with maxed stats with costumes and if you ger it there is no costume and no possibility to level up on shown // advertising numbers

I like this idea. But leaving the already in game heroes as they are would be a better option. Most of us know the heroes being released after will either overshadow or decimate the ones youā€™ve just nerfed via ā€œbalance changesā€.
Either release them balanced or let the meta run its course.
The only balance changes that should be made are the ones that advance older heros, bringing them closer to the games median hero functionality, thus allowing ALL players some in-game enjoyment.


This is properly horse :poop: what SG did and a proper protest would be worthwhile.

Regardless, need to stop spending anyway because it is clear that the game is being run into the ground and no point in spending if the end is in sight (may be the end for me personally comes before the servers go dark).


Finaly some decent nerf in this whales game

I donā€™t think itā€™s based on how many of the nerfed heroes you have but rather how much you have spentā€¦

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I have 1 Pepperflame, 1 Pophit, and 1 Starwalker (fully leveled. Thankfully I sat on the dupes) and got three epic experience tomes.

The stock answer of ā€œwe appreciate that everyone values different things, but we canā€™t issue you an aether reset tokenā€ was sent to another player when they inquired about additional compensation. Oh, you ā€œcanā€™t?ā€ Is it time to go Karen and ask to speak to someone who can? Because Iā€™ve got one left in my inventory that says that you absolutely can issue them any time your little cold hearts desire.

ā€œWe DONT WANT to issue you an aether reset token.ā€ There, Iā€™ve fixed it for you. :expressionless:


This is actually atrocious.

SG has once again gone far too far in the nerf. Any one of the reductions would have reduced her usage but left her as a powerful and useful hero.
It makes no sense to cut back everything all at once AND by such a wide margin.

My two little Epic Tomes of Experience do NOT come close to compensating for Pepperflame alone (nevermind Pophit and Erlang Shen). LB2 @ +25 was a lot of Food, Epic Tomes of Experience & Golden Emblems.

@Petri , if you could please share the message internally that this nerf was handled in an abysmal manner. Clearly not thought through with any rigor. The lack of damage trigger alone would be enough to greatly reduce the duplicate use of Pepperflame and cut the win percentage for both attack and defense.
To also reduce the % Damage, the amount of Growth and the % Defense Down simultaneously is horrific.

The Telluria fiasco was awful and this is at least as bad. Someone really ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  up. Badly.


At some point an enterprising class-action lawyer is going to see the juicy case SG has created for them.

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:point_up_2: THIS

I couldnā€™t have said it better