👺 Pepperflame - 5* Fire / Red from Goblin Village

I will still use mine at 90 and 25 emblems.

Not happy about it but will still use.


I think she will still be great, she is fast, afterall.
Depends who you use her with too. I use mine with Darkfeather + Gestalt, so a great combination still for me personally


if other heroes like marjana c2 don’t trigger her damage then it is a big nerf

i just checked… it is not triggered anymore

Being able to pair her with a secondary defense down hero to trigger the damage was the main part of her special. Huge nerf. So the only time it activates now is if cleansed. Sigh. Really might be time to just move on from this game


pophit still triggers it

Sorry I was wrong. They do not trigger each other

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if i get it right they cant trigger by them self not by other heros that give same aliment

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Considering it as well… i am a C2P and Pepper was one of the rare great heroes that i was able to summon, if not the best. Plus it took me forever to max. These nerfs are so unprofessional.


If it’s staying that way the only way is free to pay, it’s not possible to build teams around a hero like pepper marjana c pophit starealker morel and then hole team synergies wiped out. No more money guaranteed from me if it stays this way


Confirmed similar ailments don’t trigger the effect anymore. First screenshot is pepper firing. Second is after C2 Marj fired. They took the regular damage but not the secondary effect damage. That’s it for me with this game. I was cheap to play and pepper was one of the few I was lucky enough to get. As if these 4K health per hero defenses needed more help. This just makes less attacking synergy options. Such a poorly run company.


It’s great the pepper flame is nerfed because she was Over powered and now it is ok.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: 20 characters

I believe this is new strategy bait and suicide, why not use insanity when launched heroes :crazy_face:

They are f@$k us how they want and this it’s not cool :frowning_face:

I believe this gives greater value to the Opera heroes like Phantom and Christine? I believe someone said their effect still triggers the damage because their special works differently :thinking:

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Strongest hero I’ve got, lucky to get her on coins from the quest. Wonderful :-1:


Even vivica cleanse doesnt trigger the damage because vivica had def up before cleanse…


Just a tome for 5 levels for me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It’s time to delete this slop.


I agree She was fkin sick, but the players who leveled up her, must be PROPERLY compensated. (i am not affected)


IMHO, it should be an aether reset token in case of nerfs that change so much…


Or a hero as good as pepper was (such as Nautica) for compensation :stuck_out_tongue: