đŸ‘ș Pepperflame - 5* Fire / Red from Goblin Village

Mighty Monk on a monk gives a fantastic 40% chance to resist. That is probably the best of all Lego-troops specials.
But Mighty Monk on a Sorcerer only gives 10% chance to resist. Which is not great. This might be the reason for a division? If having both I would definitely level the monk version first

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Well because you can simply trigger the same with c2 Marjana. Same color, same speed. More common. No real reason to use starwalker I guess

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 finally some luck here as well


It took me way too long to realize that any defense down replacement will trigger Pepper’s damage effect. I don’t see that mentioned here so figured it may help someone else out.


I ran her today with Gormek. Replacing those special def downs with normal def to trigger that damage. It is fun :slight_smile: And running her with Torben is total overkill on the target piece :smiley:


I see this one all over the place and know she’s desired, but according to the Poll Darkfeather is more desirable than Pepperflame. Vote and tell everyone what you think.

I voted to bring her on the attack path for emblems but am having doubts.

Her special is SO good, damage, Att Growth, Defense Down, latent damage if DD is replaced that having her live as long as possible could/should be the way forward, right?

I will use her on regular titans and certainly on mythic but this feels like the PvP element should take priority especially as I want to use her on defense

That is “only” three attack nodes, so 45 attack being given up
considering the high attack stat starting point, it is a small percentage difference for the chance of firing one more time

Eager to be dissuaded from this plan

I have pepperflame with attack path. And seeing her above 1400 attack is just :star_struck::star_struck:

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If you have a maxed legendary troop to match with Pepper, then it’ll have around 3100 hp, which makes it plenty durable. If it helps, here is my path with the 2lb stats without troops


I got the same combo yesterday, except Darkfeather was main course and Pepperflame was dessert.

Happy with both, as I wanted some attack-increasing Growth Goblin for challenges, and both are that. Plus Darkfeather is purple healer and I don’t have many of those in my roster. Also, Pepperflame and Starwalker should go along well 


Thank you.

Unfortunately Red Legendary troops for Pepperflame will be tricky, didn’t summon any when the Sorcerer/Monk troops were in the portal and will need to do a conversion but lack feeders at the moment.
This is a temporary bottleneck even if it is very frustrating at this moment.

I just used her in battle now in war, that was fun! She has wrecked my attackers many times, felt cathartic to see her do it to the other team. Her flanks simply exploded when they fired, it was glorious (there was nothing left for her delayed damage, just the faint outlines of where the enemies had stood moments before).

I’ve gone the more defensive route, can reset her later if I regret it. The difference isn’t huge and in PvP the small chance of one extra turn is too much for me to resist.


You’re welcome, and with her I don’t really think there is a “bad” way to go. Congrats on having her and happy that you’re enjoying the card. Pepper’s great.

On a red stack her and tetisheri make a pretty darn good 1-2 punch, since Tet’s DD triggers Pepper’s.

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Could someone share Pepperflame talent tree please? Thanks

This is how I did mine


My Pepper


Well got Vanya and Pepperflame joined him. Happy because I could use a couple of strong red heroes.


Wasn’t expecting anything but quite some pulls from webstores 2x5 offers :smile:


How was this for a 10-draw?

I had gone forever with no 5-star Goblins.


Should hit a lottle bit harder at +25


Nerfed! :frowning_face: :frowning: :disappointed:

So is Pepper still worth it now?

Damn it E&P, work your heroes better before release!