🕵 Passepartout – S4 Hero – 5* Ice / Blue: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

No, trust me, healing amount is useful but it’s rarely a game-changer. Cleanse or cleanse with mana-gain effects are.

A perfect example is att-down, mana-reduced, skill-lock, def-down, etc. Cleansing those matter more than an extra 200 HP per turn.

The goal isn’t to have more HP in battle, but to kill the opponents first. Otherwise you can still lose easily.

Ariel (especially with costume) > Passepartout any day.


I’m lucky that I use Glenda in my mono-blue so I don’t need the healer to cleanse. What I want the healer to do is heal. And using the blue to power up and then using the green to power heal. Yes please.

Arguing Ariel is better is all well and good but I don’t have her so the point is very moot on me.

Passepartout is a very exceptional power up in the healing slot for me


Funny thing is that blue was until recently low on blue 5* healers. There was Ariel and Raffaele. Recently we got Alexandrine, Esme and Zircon. Now Passepartout.

The guy has massive heal though under right circumstances. Alex has a bit better viability with her special, but this guy does more.

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He is awesome, only with 8 green shield on board he do max heal and DEF up to 76% that is HUGE!
Just don’t pair him with green heroes so you don’t waste his potential.

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I don’t really see another blue healer as a problem. I see too much healer clerics/wizards/sorcerers as the problem. And thank goodness he is fighter.

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What a massive change from beta to release! Can’t believe he’s untested like this.

I think he’s now average speed Raffaele with massive defense boost instead of cleanse. Seems like a good flank to Elizabeth tanks.

August 25th he was tested in beta with the exact stats as today. Not sure what you mean about untested with these changes.

(Edit: August 30th was when his skill was modified)


Thoughts on him and the new blue healer zircon.

The stats were the same, but the special skill have received a significant buff:

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It may not be a game changer, but HOT can be used against the onslaught of fiend spawners in the meta. And that massive heal per turn can ensure 2 spawners do not wreck havoc on your team back to back


Take a look at “Version 41 Beta 2 - Build Notes [Status: CLOSED]” Thread in Beta Lounge - it lists his special as being modified with this on Aug 30:

  • Passepartout
    • Direct heal increased from 20% to 25%
    • Base regenerated HP increased from 250 to 400 HP

My notes from that beta show that his special was changed with all three aspects on Aug 30 - I do not know why max HP bump wasn’t listed in the build notes. But that hero left beta with those buffs. He underwent the changes while beta 41.2 was open, so he left beta altered than when beta opened Aug 25.


Oh, I see.
I have missed this change as my Beta beat topic contained lower numbers.

I see what went wrong:
Staff made an announcement about that the 20% heal is added, but they have missed to announce the further buff in a new post (like they usually do). They have just edited the original build notes, where lot of stuff was written.

the +20% direct heal was added Aug 27th with build notes and hero feedback thread updated to reflect, per normal. The +25% change and 400 HP base HoT was added Aug 30th with no note on the hero feedback thread and beta version closed ~24hr later on Sep 1st.

I think a lot of us missed this hero was updated.

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How is it possible that Passepartout is not more praised ? I pulled this guy last Underwild event (I was chasing Xnolphod but no luck), and it’s so easy to get his heal and defense boost to max. A very solid blue healer (my only one until now is Milena, while Raffaele is sitting at 3/70 since a while). He is definitely the next blue I will ascend (I just need 4 more scopes lol). Moreover, I really like his artwork.


He is praised. Generally considered the best Blue 5* healer now. Ariel + Costume are still very good of course but the synergy you get from Passportout with the green tiles is crazy.

I’m using mine at 3-70 and he’s miles better than my Alexandrine who I have 14 lvls of emblems in.

I’ll be taking Passportout to +20 when I get another D.Blade.

He’s just fairly rare still but I know a lot of top players who really want this guy

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So I have Passepartout, Alexandrine and Raffaele all at lvl.3/70 and need a blue 5* healer.
I was going to choose Raffaele…… are we saying here that Passepartout is the better out of those 3?


For sure he is. Easily IMO.


I’d say the same. No real contest for me :slight_smile: (except for rush where Raffaele wins for me)


I agree Passep is most broken healer now in the game outside of VF.