October 2021 TENTATIVE CALENDAR (Events: Trials, Rare Quests, Mirages Of Omega, Tavern of Legends, Atlantis Rises, Valhalla Forever, S4 Voyagers Of The Underwild, Mythic Titan, and Ninja Tower, Starfall Circus, Slayers of Fell Shadows, Return To Morlovia)

…Almost gave me a fright there. :exploding_head: Seems like events are getting extend too, like didn’t TOL start on a thursday before? … or am I misremembering? :sweat_smile:

Now it should be started earlier as Valhalla Forever starts on Sunday…

But you are right it started on Thursday earlier, but it is ended on Monday.
So the length is not changed with this schedule change.


Your welcome @raistlin76!
I already have Inari and Reuben is not appealing…
I would like to have Grimble and Ursena but I have too many purple projects going on…
I will also save my coins for next time where I have mats available for any of those featured heroes.

Rata, if u don’t intend to keep your OP updated, then please don’t start one for the calendars, and leave it to zartanis, who does a great job at it.

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I get that might be a little frustrating, but to be fair, some may not have the time/choose not to update calendars and I think that is ok. They made the effort in whichever language to get an initial one out there and that is great.

For myself, I try to keep mine updated, but that is my expectation for me and only me, never for someone else.


Mirages today? What’s your guess?

After last month… Everything can happen :smiley:


Hey, just a friendly reminder that the whole Calendar Team volunteer to provide the community with their super useful tool. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m already grateful that they do this month after month. And I’m further amazed that they even do up to multiple updates throughout the month. For me, that’s going the extra mile. Unpaid. On a regular basis. :+1::+1::smile_cat:


Because we’ve had 3 rare quests every 7 days on Monday the last three weeks, my guess is that it will come next week after Valhalla and complete prior to Slayers.


Mirage Quest will be open as soon as SG figures out the pricing of their next aether package.


Maybe they are waiting for Tavern of Legends event to be ended so that there will not be an issue, what occured during the previous Mirage of Omega Quest as that is shown at the same location as the Costume Quest.
So it was difficult to open it the Costume Quest.

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And then eat into free energy for VF, which is fortunately not as critical as AR. Lol

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Too bad, remove days in Atlantis and leave more days of the worst event of tavern of legends, it is an event that should improve it, also, in one day it becomes complete


That was one hell of a fiasco.

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November’s mythic titan colour?any guesses?

Dark (Hades) based on it’s topic:


Shouldn’t the mirages event be purple? We’ve skipped forward to blue again when we’ve had no purple aethers.
I was hoping to lb Rigard (like everyone else).

My conspiracy guess is SG knows dark heroes are most popular, so they’re holding off until they can max profit with it?

Doesn’t make sense on SG’s behalf, but you could be right. I just hope it’s a genuine mistake and we get purple next month.

Purple will be next month