Continuing the discussion from Early Information on "Big Balance Update" [Part of The Beta Beat v58]:
It’s not useless as special skills can happen in the first three turns.
You will always be able to force a VF or F hero in a tank position to fire within 3 turns.
Average may not always happen but I’d say 60-70% of the time you will be able to force it.
It will now be extremely difficult to force a slow or very slow tank to fire within 3 turns.
Lowering the pre-taunt from 4 turns to 3 turns it from an amazing ability into a very good ability. Of course in very fast modes it goes back to amazing.
Bums me out because I just finished the bear but OH WELL .
Still very helpful skill especially in rush war.
Considering the cost of LB2, it should be changed to five turns.
It should catch the first casts from the defense that you can force. So maybe change it to the first three drawn taunted casts rather than a set number of turns.
This ensures it’s heavy cost is rewarded with utility.
Should all other lb2 abilities also be buffed then? Because even at 3 turns this is still the best of the abilities
4 turns are amazing, 3 turns are good enough and more balanced
Raiding against 2LBed Ludwigs, I’ve occasionally had to hold my specials with the current 4. I think with 3 turns, having to hold the specials back will be much rarer. Most heroes (other than VF or tower heroes) are going to need 3 matches to be ready to fire, so will go off right as the taunt ends.
I did the second level break on Ludwig fairly late, after seeing how he works with 4 turns and like 2 days later the announcement of the nerf to 3 turns dropped. Currently at level 89 and should finish in a couple of days, then have a month of domination. (Or not, but at least I will get to see him in action in his current form, barely.)
even Horghall is helpful in rush war. lol
I think only 5% people using VF/F tank atm, in war? 1 in 30 maybe, and they more useless for VF/F summoners hero like bera, freya, pipe etc
A lot, lot more than that. Ill count in todays war.
Today, all will be very fast