Next Atlantis Rises: February 4: Atlantis Calendar/Schedule/Date & Guessing Returning HOTM and Featured Atlantis Heroes

Finished S2 hard and had 900Coins, and finally got my first Atlantis 5*, probably from about 100 pulls overall, Lol. Glad it wasn’t Mok-Arr


Mok Arr is not, I repeat, IS NOT a bad hero. You should use him in a Dark Mono for maximum effectiveness. I have been trying for him for a long time. Got him today and I am thrilled.


Not bad but really situational, ofc if I used him I might like him very much like I learned to love Ameonna

He has really limited use

Meh against titans
Can’t use in def

Only can be used in offense, and only a mono dark team.

So which heroes are expected for October? Toth Amun, Zimkitha, Inari and Ursena? Or maybe Tarlak?

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I was so excited when I saw alby and ariel today in the featured section. My moment of truth as c2p…few months that I’ve simply patiently waited for my shot, while collecting gems…
35 pulls…my dreams and hopes pumped up the balloon…alby is almost there :slight_smile: and clash with reality so brutal that a punch in the face seems to be just gentle slap comparing to the outcome :frowning:
So how the gambler’s hangover might look like?
Khagan, Gobbler, Danza, Sonia, Kash, Rigard and bunch of 3*…wtf…seriously? I got 1 hero (khagan) that was new…everyone else was a dupe…I felt that rng gods were just mean.
Sorry for ■■■■■■■■…I know is pretty useless, but if anyone has doubts… stay f2p and enjoy small things and victories in the game…I’m getting back from c2p to f2p and I’ll have no regrets about it…

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Tough luck

This thread does not give an accurate picture imo

Its very lucky to get 2 or 3 5* heroes in a 10 or even 30 pull.
Majority of us don’t hv such gd luck hence we don’t post our results


Thats right. I did a 10x and 30x pull, 7 single pulls and only 1 Vivica(already have), 12 amelias and a bunch of 3* dupes. No Alby, no aegir, no kageburado… Almost giving up on this game…

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Had some gems left over so decided to do some pulls just to see if I’d get Ariel or Aegir. Got neither of those but a second Alby showed up.

Hadn’t dared to hope for that outcome, but it’s certainly welcome. Two Albys will be really useful in wars.


I’m in a similar boat. I have so many amazing darks waiting to be ascended(Kunchen, Seshat), but not really any good greens. I wanted Alberich. Instead I got Kageburado. He isn’t even featured!


4 accounts - Atlantis Pull 26Sept19

1st account (main) 30 pull - 1 Ariel, 2 Grazul (duplicates)
2nd account - 14 pulls - 1 Mok-Arr (Shoot me)
3rd account - 16 pulls - 1 Mok-Arr (OMG! Again!??)
4th account - 13 pulls - 1 Mok-Arr (#%& @#^@*#% ^%@# %&^ %$$^ &&^%%)

Fix Mok-Arr or Delete him from existence please! He dilutes the viability of the HOTM Pool.

To hit in the 1.3% percentile to win a featured and then get the worst 5* in existence is a slap in the face. Following that up X3 is a knife wound, with salt poured on it, right before a job interview. OMG I CANT BELIEVE MY BAD LUCK THAT FOLLOWED MY GOOD LUCK!!!

At least I did get Ariel relatively cheap… sigh…

Edit: oh yeah… i already have Mok-Arr on the main account… um so yeah… if he got fixed that would be prefered since I own alot of him…


Are tons of people getting Alby and Ariel? I realize this thread is seeing mostly success stories but it looks like they’re coming out way over the 1.3%?


Don’t think so the 200k that didn’t get them haven’t posted is all


Oh man…i am lucky…2 pulls


Wow! (20 wow wows wows)

I did 16 pulls. Got Gobbler. :confused:

I’ve got that little turd too. That’s why you gotta keep pullin’ :wink:

@Monkey20 You got the best healer on one pull AND the best 4 star in the game the next! I congratulate you on awesome consecutive pulls. :grin::clap:


ouch, that sucks lol. Did 40 pulls yesterday and have “only” (i mean atleast) gotten 1 aegir. none 5* hero beside, but like 4 proteus, from whih i already have 2 lol

I did 12 pulls, got Poseidon and Proteus. Would have preferred Alby or Ariel but I’m happy for beating such low odds for non featured atlantis heroes (1/300). And I could’ve gotten Aegir (duplicate) or Mokk-arr (quite useless).

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