New War Rule -- ⏩ Rush Attack

Not What I said, I have

For those of us that have been here for 2,5-3 years it’s not only possible but expected to have multiple sets of leveled troops, but try to recall when you had 12-18 months in game, not enough maxed heroes to have all your war and titan teams consistent how hard it was to dedicate the resources to level troops, specially multiple sets of a single color…

The Original version is in portuguese Victor, I was saying I could translate it if people got interested.
You can find it here:

Gonna translate it and post it here ^^


Thank you @Jabarj. :slightly_smiling_face: I really appreciate it.

I made some dorky videos in English about building teams for rush, more aimed at mid game/beginners though

Hope someone finds it helpful :slight_smile:

In that second example, yes usually you don’t want to combine attack down/def up with counterattack and I actually ended up using Joon and Rigard for the purple and yellow slots in actual war.


Correct explanation! Well done! :ok_hand: :clap:


I find it useful. After today’s war, definitely gonna put more priority to mana troops and having heros I can charge in 6 tiles when building my team. Even though it means I’ll have to play 2-2-1 or similar setup, which is different from my usual play style. So, new perspective in team building is needed. Thanks! :slight_smile:


@Jabarj Sorry to disturb. I don’t do Facebook, but I’d really like to take a look at your guide. I can understand Portuguese, is there any other place where I could find it?

Thanks in advance. :slightly_smiling_face:

I reply more than I post a topic so I hope this is the right place. I’m wondering about this last war (Dec 22nd). It was rush attack, so I got me a 3/2 of fast/very fast and went in expecting a decent fight. I honestly was defeated in 5 or 6 moves and not one of my heroes fired their special? It was like the rush part was for the other alliance and not my heroes! It was almost like my heroes needed the usual amount of tiles to fire and not rush amount. Then second half I go in with a team of all average and I take out the opposing team in like 5 moves!!! I like to think I’m an experienced player who understands about synergy and 3/2 4/1 teams, but this war seemed like there was a glitch or something. I help admin a E&P FB group and I’ve seen a few posts saying basically the same thing I am. So am I missing something? Did anyone else notice anything off with this last war? I’d like to be able to give some people an answer that makes sense, but I can’t think of one…


Yes! I thought it was just my imagination.

The other rush attack wars, my own specials seemed to charge faster too. This time it seemed like only my opponents charged faster.

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Well what you need to do is take heroes who are average or slower in preference to fast speeds. Sounds like you didn’t do that in first half? Slower base speed heroes are better here

Other key is positioning your mana troops. Put your level 11+ troops on the heroes you need to fire to stay in or win, and if you have costumed heroes they can get by with a level 1 mana troop and still fire in six tiles

But sometimes despite the best setups and attention to these details, we get board screwed. Everyone gets that sometimes.


I still think there was something different in this war. The other fast attack wars, my specials were charging rapidly. This last war, they were charging at their normal rate, while my opponents’ specials were charging every other turn.

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I felt like it was as previous. It is still a crap rule set though and I intensely dislike it, so I hope you find a bug in it and it gets canceled


I might be confusing battle aids… was this last war the same “fast mana” rule as the one before? Because I distinctly remember in the war before this one, my specials were charging at least twice as fast as they normally do… so were my opponents’ specials, but being able to charge mine quickly allowed me to counter a lot of their attacks.

Whereas this last war… my opponents were hitting me every other turn and my specials did not charge any faster than they usually do. I basically had to rely entirely on the boards themselves (RNG) to win any battle.

I really rely on that 6th/7th tile coming through to turn “almost dead” into “win”, so I would have noticed if that wasn’t happening. It definitely was.

I got a 299 in this war and our alliance got our highest VF score of 6800+, so if anything I could argue that our tiles must have been charging faster than usual.

I can’t speak for what experience others had, but I/we definitely did not face this problem


Hmm. Okay. Might have just been my imagination, or maybe my mana was being constantly stolen LOL.

Really doesn’t matter much either way as our opponents way overpowered us, I just seemed to be able to get more hits in on the last war compared to this one.

If no one else has noticed a difference, I can probably attribute the disparity to my opponents just being that much stronger and shutting my teams down before I had a chance to do anything. :man_shrugging:

Exactly!! I wasn’t sure if it was a new spin on rush like only the opposing team gets it or what. That’s why I asked if I was missing something… I didn’t know if it was a new thing, a glitch or my imagination!!

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No, the first half I was using my experience from the previous rush attack. That one seemed to move faster and I really cleaned up using fast mana heroes. Not this war though. I did better with average. Like I said, I’m experienced enough to understand why some heroes have slow mana vs fast, but this war really confused me. And it was with every fast/very fast hero. They seemed to need the regular number of tiles whereas the average/slow did fire faster.

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I agree… It is kinda crazy rule, but the devs are going to do these crazy things to keep the game “fresh”. I asked here hoping to get some help with line up and usage. But yeah, I hope they do away with it too.

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This rush attack war I noticed our opponents using more slow heroes on defense. Last one there were more average/fast. Probably due to what heroes were ready to use. This would be in mid-tier wars. Because slow heroes in general hit a lot harder it is more noticeable (and more devastating) when they hit at very fast.

There was one defense I fought that had three healers. Once I took out the other two it was a fairly easy if very long drawn out win.

If you have a lot of +11 mana troops, you can enjoy it
I like rush attack but I don’t like rush attack war
The second half is difficult to fight without a decent board

Definitely felt different to me. Like I remember last war… I was struggling to get good tiles in one of my attacks, but my specials were charging quickly so it didn’t even matter… I won the battle using special skills.

This last war, it seems like my specials weren’t charging any faster than they do in a normal war.

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