New War Rule -- ⏩ Rush Attack

I think it was nice, added a different color, interesting and more successful. We got tired of seeing telluria grawmaker and vela every time :confused: Small Giant good job :blush: :+1:

MN, Isarnia, LOTL Aegir, The big cat:

6 tiles and Lady fires, minions drain mana, Aegir special will give the minions much more sustain and more capability to keep ruining mana. + 2 sorcerers talent. Isarnia and Azlar can destroy the attacker.


It would be nice to have advance notice on the war rules.

I have done 2 attacks in this war, I said to my guildmates that I was going to go all or nothing:

first attack:
My team (The order was different)

Defense team:
Starting board:
End of the match: Screenshot_20201118-170954

I was lucky to match 3 reds just before Horghall fired, I charged Scarlett and reduced Lianna attack, then I got rid of her with another red match, and the rest was easier thanks to the sustain provided by Noor, Boldtusk and Scarlett attack debuff. If I went 2-3 I´m sure I wouldn´t have won the fight. big mistake of the defender to place 2 green together.

2nd fight:

Starting board:


Luckily for me, tank was weak, fired 3 times but hadn´t a strong impact overall. LJ, Kashrekk and C-Caedmon stood strong and when Zocc died, Vela died in the next turn. When LJ charged everything went a lot easier. Caedmon cleanses were very important, Almur and Elkanen only provided tile damage.

I hate this new war format. Its just another roulette, no tactic, no stabilize phase, you either get perfect stones or you die. Just like in rush tournament, but there i could at least go for another match with same team, for better or worse.


just created account for this stupid war rule…hate it so much…hate also rush tourneys.just give a notification before matcmaking as said above…so ı can opt out this stupid VfWar…SG this is your worst idea…


2nd war, changed strategy, but for me it still feels like it’s hit or miss. 2-1 this time, 2 points in that loss.
I don’t see this as a change in strategy as much as a change of valuable heros. Yes, slow heros get more love, but since everything is so fast, they may or may not be of much help. Good board - great, they rock. Bad board - everything is over quickly. For example, I’m still waiting to charge Heimdall’s special after these two wars. Funny enough, all of my losses so far were actually with the teams of my best slow heros.
BUT, it’s same for everybody. My defence eats 5 flags on average to be taken down.

That is already too late to opt out of war

You’re right. Brain fart on my part. But in the future we’ll know the rotation, at least until they add more rules.

Or hopefully delete this one.

The key is mana troops… get 3 mana troops to lvl 11 and with 6 tiles you fill your heroes…
It’s just another war rule, i like it…
but looks like i have diffrent taste from other ppl… before the “new” war rules the one i liked more was field aid, so …

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I think a better format would be “average speed” wars, where every hero is set to average instead of very fast. It would make the fast/VF heroes slower and the slow/vs heroes faster, which introduces a different strategy. You also wouldn’t be totally screwed on a bad board on the opening moves…


Only that war can do that in one turn, watered, poisoned, burned and weakened, oh my :rofl: btw 4 points on that attack :laughing:


It does heavily favour defence teams. In the rush raids you can continuously reuse your slow heroes- Isarnia, Justice, Azlar etc. In a war format you can’t keep using these heroes on offence.

Personally, I dislike this format as it is all about the starting board - 5 or 6 tiles of your colours and you win, otherwise you mostly lose.

Limited strategy on offence and board manipulation is largely irrelevant.


Thumbs down from me on this. Battles over in no time at all, no real ability to recover from a poor board, tell becomes even stronger, flanked by huge damage dealers. This one was a mistake. Even 'fast could have been more bearable here


I tend to agree… Just finished the 2nd round, again 2-1, and the loss was: 1 point. The four wins that I’ve had, I could tell I will win after 3-4 moves. And the opposite, I knew I’ll lose after making 3-4 moves. And I didn’t go mono, it was 3-1-1 or 3-2.
Basically, the only thing that could change the outcome was making a really stupid mistake, or some crazy lucky cascade.

I don’t like this war at all.
Pure gambling.
3 wrong moves and you done…
Bad idea

I love this war, gott 6 straight wins in this one and also in the previous one.
Note: I am F2P and I have one Alfrike at 3/70.


Ok one duo that is effin’ deadly in this war rule is Mother North - Marie Therese. Every other hero got revived or reborn at least three times each.

That means Alfrike is protecting other defense by absorbing opponent’s best team.

What is the rest of the team? Is Alfrike in tank or flank? I believe flank is her best position to lessen the chance she get targetted by mono yellow.

So, this war went better. 5/6 one shots, and alliance will easily win. Our opponents clearly got some bad boards, but they also picked tanks poorly.

And know what? Still hate it. I didn’t win because I picked better on defense (same) or offense. I won because the heroes I brought happened to be the right color for the board.

The match was determined before the first move.

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