New Raid Tournament Special Rules Suggestion

  1. Debuff Drain
    Each hero loses 1% health for each active status ailment on the hero at the end of each turn.

  2. Manaborn Minions
    Whenever a hero cast a special skill, the hero summons a Manaborn Minion with 15% attack, defense and health of the caster.

Here are 2 new special rules suggestions for Raid Tournament.

All the existing special rules are designed to speed up the game. These 2 new suggestions are designed to do so as well by making heroes lose health faster through health drain and minion’s attacks.

The 2 new suggestions also affect hero team building choices:
Debuff Drain encourages the use of heroes that give status ailments and clear status ailments.

Manaborn Minions encourages the use of Fast heroes to take advantage of the minions and also heroes with anti-minion special skills.

All comments are appreciated. Thank you.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Any chance to have a couple more tournament rules