Nerfing Telluria (Mar 2020 HOTM) ---> POLL IN POST #2; [Staff Comment Post #1445 & #4422]

Every time I check the top 100, Telluria is dominating. Today, she had 9 of the top 10 spots, Ursena had 1.

She’ll get nerfed, it will be super obvious in a month.

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Nerfed by who? Guin used to hold all the top spots too. A lot of people holding top ranks with Telluria could hold top spots with their previous tanks as well. But they have a new toy and they want to play with it. On top of that, you can reach global top 10 with a 4 star tank because the top 100 is less about defense and more about offense. If they are still there after being offline all night, you may have an argument. But in the first 2 weeks is WAY too early. Not many have adjusted and figured her out yet… but they will


Damn, I need to get my Telluria leveled and emblemed as fast as possible!


To me it’s the same thing. Big deal, you added one name to the list.

Someone else said they should just release HOTM to counter Telluria. Well, that didn’t work that well with Seshat countering Guinn, Guinn is (was) pretty common in the top 100, the average player doesn’t have Seshat, only whales or the very lucky do. It’s a good solution for whales, but not for everyone else.


She was already nerfed before coming out of Beta.

Somebody posted about this already, and I remember it being specifically discussed. @zephyr1? @Halifax?

This is more likely to do with emblems, people are getting their defense heroes to +19/20 than with Telluria.

Who cares about defense, whoopee dee!!

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pretty sure it was @DaveCozy and that thread got locked because the OP requested it

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Right?! I’m so glad SG threw this one out there. Finally, we have the opportunity to make Nature tanks relevant again!


It was on this thread:

Nerfing Telluria (Mar 2020 HOTM) ---> POLL IN POST #2; [Staff Comment Post #1445 & #4422]


And to a lesser degree, Troop Level. And to a higher degree, the Supporting Cast. I’m so mad at myself for not pursuing Vela more aggressively back in January. She’s kicking more @$$ than Jean-Francois, and he was more highly touted!


Hey, what do you know, my memory isn’t completely broken. Maybe I don’t need to go to an alzheimer’s care home just yet.


I personally don’t think she needs a nerf & she kicks my a$$ on the regular. I kind of appreciate the challenge which hopefully improves me as a player. Harder defenses also motivate me to think of new ways to pair my teams (and influences which heroes to level next) which, frankly, is what I love most about this game aside from my alliance mates. :blush:


Don’t nerf any hero.


Just try harder to figure out how to counter it.

Consider using some 4* heroes mixed in with 5*. The 4* often have superior synergy.

Please drop the nerf lobbying. It’s tiresome.


If only Khagan wouldn’t be trash, heroes as Zimkitha and Grazul would be more common and red heroes would have more hitters rather than buffers I bet that the top100 wouldn’t have so many Telluria tank.


Or if there was no gm / Natailya there would have been much more green tanks used previously as burn wouldn’t be a factor

Telluria is almost always flanked by Vela and Gravemaker. That’s too much relying on status effects, which can be exploited. This is my team that I currently use against them:

And this is my score after hunting exclusively for Telluria tanks:


If you don’t think Telluria is overpowered than you have her on your roster. Let’s be real on that. Compare the stats of her to other hero’s (I.e. my favorite Atomos).


She is OP for average speed mana, she should’ve been slow mana to be balanced. But its alright! Green was really lacking heroes for tank position


I have her at tank position, playing her with Vela and Gravemaker, and yes Telluria is made to be a slow mana.
She is overpowered in defense!!
At tank position, Guinevere, Kunchen and Black Knight are far behind her.


I feel like Jenna is overpowered. Just compare her with Aife.