Neema – 5* Fire / Red - November 2023 HOTM (Hero of the Month) -- Initial Release

Can i just make sure I understand her correctly, her passive says “ignore taunt”, does this mean even if taunt is active, and I fire her special, it will attack/hit ALL enemies, not just the hero with taunt?

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Yes you understood it correct. It ignores taunt and hits all and attaches a fiend on all unless there are cards that resist fiends.


Then I am definitely doing her now instead of Umbria or Torben. Thanks

Yes, If you have enuf to LB2 her, she also hits pretty hard, and her fiends are very big. It neutralizes a lot of overhearer based teams. The Untold taunter who is everywhere gets completely neutralized. Incredible skills for a HOTM.


As with everything I have no Aether 1, I focused too much on 3* and 4* now have none left for any colour for 5*, so can’t Lb1 her yet either, :rofl:
I do have about 12 Alpha Aethers ready though.


Here she is from Puzzle Combat


Wow she really is the exact same in appearance. Even Wizard for both in the title.

I mean it doesn’t matter if she’s in another game, it doesn’t take away from E&P. My question is what is puzzle combat and is it just as expensive to play???


I think it’s a clone of e&p… Think gmc/Chevy


I’m thinking a combination of Neema and Cinisia would be good.

I see in their version she is maxed to 100, did you guys go through the whole aether, then alpha aether, soon beta, and so on ascension climb? How’d it change the game? I don’t even want to imagine the expense and grind it would take to finally take a hero to 100 in this game.

The newer the hero… The more health defense and attack it has… Then multiply that with double limit breaks… You can still win… But you have to be crafty and lucky.

Double luck on pulling this one.


They both will get some love from me


Holy Cow! Sure beats the Prisca I just pulled.


In that game lvl 100 is just the standard max for 5* heroes without any limit breaks or whatsoever. 4* heroes are maxed at 80, 3* at 60 etc.

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Question: if you start a match with level 90 taunter or taunt hero fires first. Does the tiger fiend get rid of taunt, or does her fiend work after that taunt session?

The taunt is not blocked until the fiend is cast.
The taunt is not removed by her skill. Only new taunts are blocked.
So, if there is a taunt active, she will still hit all and cast fiend on everyone. The fiends will block new taunts from being cast. But the existing taunt will be active.


Also to note: ludwig casts taunt and it gets blocked BUT he still gets defense and 2 flanks still get the increasing mana buff so take a dispeller with her.


This is insane luck. CONGRATS!!!


I like the special animation. Cud be a decent pairing with Brimstone me thinks !! I also have Torben waiting, a chap earlier in the post said he’d do Neema b4 Torben! Really! (Ooh matron!!) I’m currently levelling Ignazio although I was close to choosing Torben. Now I got Neema who next? Any opinions? Obviously Ignazio being a red cleanser is 1st but then who. I also have a 2nd Brimstone. Opinions & advice is greatly appreciated cuz I get choice freeze pretty bad !! What a wuss u guys r thinking !!!

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