Mystic Vision – Discussion of Change to 8 Hours, Adjustment of Loot, and Addition of Emblems [Staff Response in Post #66]

Here is what I got from the new mystic vision. Under the old system, it might if been 2 baby Mana and 2 gems. Do you know how much it cost to give ppl baby Mana and gems? It’s so expensive, so of course SG has to cut back and give ppl half the loot for the same amount of work


It’s certainly a scenario we see time and time again (by big companies) - make more by taking more and giving less. The Coca Cola classic - reduce can size, sell for more, tell the consumer that the smaller can is better for them calorie and sugar wise.

It won’t cause me to leave either, I really like the game and have always appreciated MV. Just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.


I read this whole, painful thread, and this finally and concisely helped me understand the impact of the change. Thanks, @Garanwyn. I think the 8 hour window will allow me to get two MVs in on most days. The 16-hour was a little dicier. When I get up and fire up an MV at 5:45 am, it’s a crapshoot as to whether I will still be up at 9:45 pm to watch a second one, and if I am, then it makes it so I can only watch 1 the next day. I don’t love the change, but at least I don’t hate it as badly now.


Mine was the same , but a healing potion instead of mana.

How would people feel if world energy cost was cut by half…but so were all the loot and rewards? I’m not trying to equate these two scenarios, but raise the question of time vs. value.

2 MV « watched », 3 emblems + 3 gems
Just checked one for my wife : Tonics.

4* AMs are still there, don’t lose hope !


Thought I’d update my Mystic Vision cooldown results. Not represented in the table below is the time it took to collect this data… >4.5 months to collect the 92x16 hr timer visions, but <1.5 months to get more than that number of 8 hr timers. So percentages do not tell the whole story! Good news is Trainer Hero % looks exactly the same. That’s useful. Also- what?! AM appearance rates for me went up! I’m betting that is an artifact of low sampling but still…that can’t be bad news. Also, I would wager that token appearance percentage of all types were halved across the board and I just got slightly luckier on troop tokens and slightly unlucky on hero tokens. So unless they nerf these rates from “limited release” to full roll out, I think this is good news for those who religiously watch mystic advertisements (I think they call them mystic because sometimes they are in random foreign languages…pretty sure I know how to spell “Gardenscapes” in Mandarin now!


The question is: does it get nerfed when it is released? The wording doesn’t say “slightly better” as @Petri said few weeks ago, it say “the same”.

Has V22 now made this 8 hour countdown for everyone?


I think the loot might still look nice.

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Ahh should have read those i guess :slight_smile:


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I guess the game is trying to soften me up on the 8-hour version. Updated, immediately did MV, got emblems I needed to take Sabina to +11. Well played, SGG!


So far so good

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When I started playing, now almost a year ago, I was surprised there was only one ad in the game available only once a day. For me, the loot has never really added much benefit; unlike the very lucky ones we see here on the forums, so a change in drops doesn’t affect much from my perspective. For those calling this a move of greed, we have to remember this is a business; the aim of every business is profit. There is no moral equivalence here. If you find it a genuine problem, quit playing games like these.

I’m not sure when people started saying “remember this is a business; the aim of every business is profit”, but I really dislike this way of thinking. People use this reasoning often when they talk about big businesses and their practices, and I just don’t understand. Why let business off the hook just because, why can’t we expect better? If you never expect better then businesses will keep pushing the envelope to maximize profits and gains, it’s our job as customers to let them know where boundaries are and to push back when we feel we’re being treated unfair (I don’t necessarily feel this way about this particular issue, but in general that’s how I feel). We somehow have convinced ourselves that business is only about making more for less, and we accept that. Yet, what people appreciate the most when dealing with a company is friendliness, quality service, loyalty, respect…so why in the name of business is business do we push all that other stuff aside? Think small local vs big corporate business…who would you rather support and why? For some reason we like to hold the little guy accountable and just accept the way things are with the big guy.

When wars get cancelled or a glitch in a new update happens, SG often offers up a small token as an apology, people appreciate those gestures, it shows that they care and are thinking of us. It’s this type of business practice that brings people back, allows them to enjoy the game more, so why not keep Mystic Vision rewards the same? How happy was everyone with Atlantis rising? Less energy and more rewards, kept everyone very busy and very happy. When you treat your customers well they keep coming back. Business is not all about profit…there’s so much more to it.

So when I disagree with a change to the game that SG makes, I don’t just accept it, I let them know. If we as a community never spoke up about things we didn’t like in the game, they would never get changed. So in my mind, it’s good to speak up to businesses, because sometimes they need to be reminded that beyond the numbers, there are over a million people on the other side of the screen playing and supporting them.

That was long. If I ever say the word ‘business’ again, it will be one too many times.


Little bad changes and the population never notices, kinda has a historical ring to it.


I’m sorry, but it’s ridiculous to be upset over free access to free items. The access remains the same but instead it’s split into two times through out the day. I genuinely find it hilarious for people to be upset over businesses pursuing profit when that is the entire premise of the capitalist system.


3/3 with new MV

It’s not worth my time to write more on the subject when you don’t take the time to respond to what I said and are not open to seeing another side of things. Capitalism can be great, but it has its pitfalls when it’s purely profit driven, if you can’t agree with that then I’m not sure we can agree on much.

You also keep saying that it’s “free”, but it’s not. If every 8 hours our inbox had items in it and we did nothing to receive them, that would be free. But MV is not free, it’s an exchange. We exchange our time for their items. They sell ad slots to companies for profit and in exchange for our time watching them, they exchange items. Neither party is getting anything for free, it’s to our mutual benefit. So when one side changes something and the other side is not happy about it or has something to say, they voice it here. Not sure how that is “ridiculous” or “hilarious”, but you’re welcome to your own thoughts and hyperbole. I’m not upset about the change, but I’m one of the people whom it affects negatively so I’m speaking up.


:point_up_2:t4: THIS. To the tenth power :point_up_2:t4:

The disappointment in my account is snowballing.
Waited for months for Sand… nuthin.
Pulled over 430 from the portal… 1 legendary.
11 pulls from TC20… 1 epic
Now I get to watch more adds.
Oh goodie.

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