📕 Mulgog – 4* Nature / Green from Untold Tales

I may need to reevaluate him if I pull him again. I’ve already fed him away twice as I didn’t see him as very good at the time

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It’s the poison damage and health absorption that makes him incredibly strong, he’s kind of like a mini Hurricane but the DoT is to ALL enemies. The screenshot is at LB2 but even at LB1 the DoT is at 725 (before troops).


It you have DOT amps like telonius or Matilda, the damage goes up and thus he also heals more. And the DOT amp that is still stackable with franz


I love this guy! His poison is so deadly! The poison go near 1000 with troops! Imagine near 200 poison for each enemy each turn! And the third time is fast!
He is like a 5* hero!


Gotta be worth an alpha break consideration at least.

Shar Kai is fantastic… titans hate him LOL
2o characters

Was thinking between Mulgog, Alfie ( I dont have all emblems) Wren and Villiers

Now definitely Mulgog goes first, I looooove another Tide family fella SharKai - he is often messes well at 5* raids against 5k+ teams, so reading your thoughts guys I have made my mind.
If needed I’ll share the experience later

Thnks to all

In theory, he caps out at 1050 damage / 210 per turn with ninja troops. I haven’t quite finished him, and I’m using crit troops, but the numbers are mildly entertaining…


Finished card - not quite as good as the portal profile, but I wanted the mana node

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I am JUST now leveling this dude. That DOT will be super beneficial in tournaments and events

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But you need to max him at 80 to see the full benefits. And it takes too long for the second charge. Should have put poison damage and health stealing in his first charge as well. Shark khai is way better.

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Did he get debuffed?? Special is at 8/8

If you’re asking about the poison damage - that scales with the attack stat. So it will grow as you continue to level him.


Oh ok thank you. Someone else did tell me this and I forgot lol.

One of the worst 4* in game. I maxed him at 70 cause of the positive review and instantly regret it. Doesn’t do completely anything. At least I know the next food 4* for my 5* heroes.

Any thoughts on this guy vs. c.peters? They are both green rogues.

I only have Peters without the costume, but that doesn’t change much… Mulgog is just better :slight_smile:


I just made an example attack using Mulgog:


All your 4* are at lvl 80 and you had good tiles. Just put anyone in place of mulgog at lvl 80 the result would have been the same. He is a very weak version of ulthragan.

I also have Uthragan and I use it for war defense (I don’t understand why some players have problems with him), but for offense he is completely useless to me (especially in the Toon era).
However, Mulgog is great both in attack and defense, which is why I value him more.
If Mulgog had 5* (better stats), Uthragan would have no chance in direct comparison with him.

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