šŸ”± Mok-Arr ā€“ 5* Dark/Purple from Season 2

Heā€™s far from useless (but then so is Grimble).

Mok has a few significant upsides, one definite negative and one debatable negative.

His AoE damage is significant - 250% at average mana is very very high.
Extra damage against holy can also be significant.

His stats are fairly well balanced - heā€™s beefy enough that youā€™ll normally get him to fire (average mana helps here too) but punchy enough to do real damageā€¦ This contrasts with Grimble (who is beefy but is ineffective unless minions are on the field) and Quintus (who hits like a train but is just too fragile to fire reliably at slow).

The inability to hurt dark is a definite negative, thereā€™s no getting around thatā€¦ But you pick your battles with him.

The damage to allies is a mixed bagā€¦
Itā€™s easy to assume itā€™s a 100% negative but it can be made a non-issue in a mono or it can be turned to your advantage.
Pair up with a beserker like BK or Khiona plus Wilbur and he raises the attacking power of 3-5 of your team - no other hero can do this.
This isnā€™t necessary in raiding, but it makes beserk more potent in map/event play.

Heā€™s not good on defence generally.
Heā€™s excellent in attack if you build your teams right for him.

Itā€™s easy to look at him and think heā€™s just a slightly poorer version on Ursena - same average speed, similar AoE output, extra damage against holy but without the reflect and with minor damage to alliesā€¦
There are two things to say to this:

  1. Even if it were accurate, being a slightly poorer version of the most OP hero in the game doesnā€™t make him a bad hero.
  2. Heā€™s his own little beasty. Unlike Ursena, his damage output doesnā€™t drop once enemies are hurt (this is significant once you get up against highly emblemed enemies with huge HP even at 49%) and as mentioned earlier that self harm can actually come in handy if you have the right teammates.

Ultimately, heā€™s only a poor manā€™s Ursena because sheā€™s beastly on defence and he isnā€™t - theyā€™re both potent attackers.

Donā€™t write the fish off, heā€™s a monster!


Wilbur and Aegir allows him to hit dark enemies, which is a plus here. Lotā€™s of Aegirs these daysā€¦

But overall a very accurate assessment of him. He is a fun hero to use.

To be fair if I use him and lose it isnā€™t because of Mok-Arrā€¦


Absolutely yes, but even with Wilbur the attack on dark heroā€™s doesnā€™t land - spirit link just spreads 4 hits across the 5 defenders (but then one of those is against holy and therefore boosted, if youā€™re up against a rainbow defence).

I agree - Mok has significantly enhanced my enjoyment and Iā€™ve got great performance out of him (as mentioned above if you have Wilbur and BK, which I do, heā€™s a boon!)


I wouldnā€™t say slightly poorer than ursena. More like significantly poorer.


Significantly poorer on defence. No question.

Different on attack - in some ways more effective (almost double the SS power Vs half-health enemies; synergies with beserk heros) and in some ways less (no holy reflect, SS doesnā€™t hit dark).

Iā€™d give him a slight edge in attack. She has a huge advantage on defence.

If you were only going to ascend one of them, youā€™d choose Ursena for flexibility and defence.
If you were going to ascend one for attacking only, itā€™s a much harder decision.

Lots of people slam him without even playing with himā€¦ Heā€™s a long way from the joke heā€™s portrayed as, heā€™s an excellent attacking hero.

But by all means if people want to demand a buff for him, Iā€™ll enjoy him becoming seriously OPā€¦


Heā€™s definitely in the discussion of my next darks. Itā€™ll be a toss up between him, urs#2, and grimble

Of course after the next dark hotm unless sheā€™s just completely butchered

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I have recently pulled Mok-ar, and I know I much rather would have pulled someone else, but something about him makes me think heā€™s actually decent in some roles.

I imagine him flanking a purple tank to punish yellows stacks for example.

Does anyone have any experience with Mok? I personally believe he might be under-rated and actually quite good with his high damage.

Or is he really that bad? Iā€™d hate wasting tabbards.

Mok really is that bad, although could be a trap for new players stacking yellow.

Tabbards are hard to come by, so Iā€™d save them for any other purple.


Only usable on offense as a part of a dark stack team. Never on defense and less effective than you might think vs holy titans. While itā€™s true that the best heroes are the ones you have, there are definitely better options than the shark.

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I saw him couple of times in defence and went mono darkā€¦ He did nothing and I could focus on the rest of the team. :man_shrugging:t2:
I can imagine he can be used in offence, but have no experience with him.

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Heā€™s actually one of the heroes I want. But, Iā€™ve been playing almost 3 years, have a fairly deep bench including enough leveled 5*s for a mono purple stack, and tabards to spare to level him. I also like off-the-wall, hated heroes. (I leveled Atomos before he was goodā€¦).

If this doesnā€™t sound like you, then donā€™t level him. Heā€™s a specialty hero that will be sitting in your roster that youā€™ll regret leveling every day. :confounded:


The new buffed Mok-Arr is ok, and good for a purple mono. All the Mok-hate is outdated.

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But there are those who say he is good. I have two copies at 1/1 waiting for the hero academy

I definitely do not regret maxing mine, he hits like a truck and is a staple in my purple stack. I leveled him over Sartana, Grimble and Quintus. I might have done Sartana instead, but already had 2 Seshats. Still donā€™t regret it.


Yup, another fishmonger here. Just have mine in the middle of the 4th ascensionā€¦tried him at 3.7. with my ā€œUltimate Mono Teamā€ with Costumed Rigard, Costumed Kiss guitarist, Guardian Panther, Seshat and this marine habitantā€¦and there is only little life left after one round of specials. So I decided to finish the Shark, and even emblem him (donā€™t have another 5* barbarian) to result in no life left. Plain & simple.

Apart from that, I am also starting to experiment with him and another dropout Guardian Chameleonā€¦oh, how it will be satysfying to wreck all those doubters and critics with all those unwanted rebels :sunglasses:


Thoth: My guys will kick your ā– ā– ā– 

Mok: U Sure? Who?



20 big hitsā€¦

My Mokky is still just a baby shark at 3.70, but he showed potential in a raid a few weeks agoā€¦

If only he had a panther friend to soften up the victims :disappointed_relieved:


Wowā€¦I have 3 Mokk in 1/1, Iā€™m wondering if I must level up one of them.

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Iā€™m sure many will discourage you and depending on your roster there may be better options; but if you like to play mono then heā€™s definitely worth taking to 3.70 and giving him some consideration.