Miss Much?

Good Morning Everyone.

I have been clean for approximately a year and and half (or somewhere there) from E&P :smile:

If memory serves, the last hero I got was Elizabeth when she was released.

Did I miss much? lmao

Am considering to play again but Im sure things are way different from when I was playing… Not sure I wanna open that book again… Anywho… Hope you all are doing well and wishing you all the Best :facepunch:


Welcome back.

Everything changed but business as usual.

Happy gaming


My advice - don’t come back.

The game is vomiting heroes, if you think you could catch up now, you’d need to catch up every 3 months.

Enjoy your clean life :slight_smile:


Nice to see you in the forum again
Quite a bit has changed over the last few months as expected….
Some good, some bad, some just ok
I personally still find the game fun and enjoy being part of a good team alliance.
I suppose you need to think about why you left the game in the first place before deciding if you want to come back…
Players still vent the same frustration about power creep, summons, number of new heroes, money being spent by players to keep up etc etc
For me - I would advise anyone who came back to go Free to Play
For me - Anyone completely new to the game I would advise them not to download it
For me - when my time comes to leave the game I will feed away my heroes to remove the temptation to return
Just my two pennies worth


Nothing really changed, except the heroes. We get like 30 new legendary heroes every month. Refeaturing almost don’t happen anymore - instead of running old events again for people to have a chance to roll some specific hero, they keep creating “new” events. “New” only portal wise and hero wise, as the gameplay is stale and same as always (only exception is the new Monster Island event we got today which indeed is pretty fresh). Heroes get more and more insane. If your newest hero is Elizabeth, then basically all your roster is old and useless these days. For every hero you have there is much better replacement.

Also, everything is monetized. We even get offers to buy better loot from farming or completing events.

If you’d want to catch up, prepare to spend thousands on getting new heroes, then ascension materials, then aethers (they added new “tomes” that let you ascend or max a hero without ascension mats or feeders & ham, but they are extremely expensive, and almost impossible to get for free - I didn’t get any for a year of playing).

If you don’t want to spend and don’t mind playing chill - prepare to feel like a peasant, where you have no access to any of the new content or heroes but everyone else seem to have all those new heroes you don’t even know the names of, not to mention knowing what their specials/passive do. Almost every new card has so many specials/family bonuses/passives/abilities it is really difficult to recognize what’s happening even if for people who weren’t on a break for the last 18 months.

As for good things - every 100 pulls without legendary hero you can select one of the old heroes guaranteed. Nothing fancy featured there but things like Tarlak, Ariel, Thor are still decent. We also get so called Soul Exchange where once every quarter you can exchange your duplicate legendary heroes for a hero of your choice from preselected pool. It costs 10/15/20 legendary heroes to get one, depending on its strength.

But basically take others’ advice and stay back. Worst that can happen to you is getting sucked in again.


Elizabeth has all but disappeared from active use because of vastly better options.

That probably tells you a lot about the state of balance.


Heya Suicide_Bunny.

Yeah pretty much what a had dreaded hearing. Always told myself that I would never start from scratch. At the time of quitting, I had 45 ish Max 5* Heroes and a pretty decent roster. But from the sound of things, those 5’s are now more like 3*s…

So in Essence, I would be starting from Scratch.

This game stopped being F2P a looong time ago and no matter how much or how often I spent, I never seemed to get what I wanted lol. I recall that I would give any of my heroes for a “Miki” but probably isnt even that “Must Have” Titan slayer anymore.

I never even got a non dupe from TC20 (If thats still around lol)

Flasback… Almost broke my phone when I got Athena… Frida… Heimdall… Even 'ol Drake Fong lol… They were Super Strong.

Great chatting to you guys… Guess I’ll only see ya around on the forum :blush:

Best… Always…


Sadly, yes. Most of the “good” old heroes are getting their costumes now, which pretty much requires pulling them again at worse odds to fully benefit. Most of the old heroes (like old HotMs, old event heroes, S1-S4 heroes etc) compared to new heroes feel like old Classics compared to them. Even if they get a buff (very rarely), they are still power levels below the new heroes. Good old slow Santa Claus got a buff recently for direct damage from 150% to all to 200% to all. Meanwhile, one of the new ones Khufu deals 450% damage to all + has all kind of passive (can blind and burn opponent without even using his own special skill). So that’s the state of the game.

Surprisingly, he still is. SG released few titan specialists since then (like Oceanus) and even made few rare and epic titan specialists that can be poor man’s replacement. But Miki thanks to his silence is still the preferred choice. Sadly, he is pretty much impossible to get these days, as old HotMs like him never get featured anymore.

People use it to farm fuel for Soul Exchange. Dupes are more than welcome. Hero Academy is still useless, even if you are lucky to pull that non-S1 hero with 5% - the pool was not updated for way too long, so all those heroes are pretty much useless. You still have theoretical chance to pull a costume together with the hero but you’ll be disappointed 99 times before any of that happens.

Good move! But perhaps give the game a try as F2P and see for yourself (re-rolling raid opponents couple times or checking the top ranking defenses might be a hilarious experience), but the moment you feel that itch again - delete it to hell. :wink:


welcome back!

as others have already said…

more heroes, more heroes, and even more heroes! (I was gonna say “for everyone”, but most of us don’t actually summon them anyway :stuck_out_tongue: )

the pace of hero release has really sped up, as evidenced by this thread


It is not as bleak as it sounds, unless you expect to be in the top 1000 placement continuously.
I can successfully fill my raidchest with an “outdated” team consisting mostly of 1 year or older heroes, raiding in diamond.

I am in an relax alliance, so mostly just me and maybe one or two other who gets any new heroes. We still have fun, win wars, kill 11* titans

And there is a lot of cool new content (I enjoy it) and lots more places to get free stuff

I am really enjoying it


Ye , they now have a 100 counter heroes to Elizabeth, VF heroes that hit harder than a S1 slow hero , new heroes have been getting released at a steady pace of 5000 per month and no pay November didn’t work :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t resume playing this game.

Now that you have stayed away, continue to stay away. For the reasons stated earlier by other players.

The new heroes being fed into live game is escalating, month on month:

By Month
Total -5*-4*-3*
Includes HOTM

Dec 2022: 31 => 25-4-2
Nov 2022: 21 => 16-2-3
Oct 2022: 21 => 16-3-2
Sept 2022: 22 => 16-4-2
Aug 2022: 13 => 10-2-1
July 2022: 8 => 4-2-2
June 2022: 18 => 14-2-2
May 2022: 18 => 9-5-4
April 2022: 18 => 8-5-5
March 2022: 17 => 9-5-3
Feb 2022: 6 => 6-0-0
Jan 2022: 6 => 5-1-0


Doesn’t look “escalating” to me… looks like they’re slowing down considerably. You’ve stopped your analysis at their peak. Show us the last 11 months.

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Thats just crazy…

They are releasing more 5*s a month than I gathered in four years lol

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Edited my post. You may peruse at your pleasure.

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Oh it’s definitely been escalating. Not sure where you got the slowing down considerably from. Seems like every 3 days there is a new portal with new heroes in it


The “new” isn’t capturing my attention so much, I guess. Don’t particularly care about that. I’m at the end of my first year here, so everything seems pretty new. Maybe what I get my feels from is “new chase heros”. A lot of the new heros are under the radar stuff.