Merc merc merc and merc some more

2 weeks later. Not in an alliance.

@Api, do you have Line? I’d be interested in chatting with ya!

I think the only reason why some alliances or people doesn’t like mercs because the difficulty to find a new member or some mercs only want some rare titans.

What’s the purpose of the game? It’s for fun and release stress from real life. Cheers :slight_smile:

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I got np with mercs. We just don’t have a use for em in our alliance. Other Crew-'s do use mercs from time to time tho


We’ll all get there at some point one way or the other

@zephyr1 @littleKAF if i merc must i stay in the alliance until titan dies to score a titan kill on valor??

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Yes, you must be present for the Titan dying, and have hit at least once.


another question… if i have hit titan in my alliance then go merc if i get back be4 titan dies will i still get that credit also or will i need a new hit??

I’m not sure, actually, but you could also just merc and hit, wait for it to die, and then return home and hit, and wait for it to die — and avoid any complexity about whether hits from before mercing will count.

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so i would guess hit mine 1 time after getting back just to be safe

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If we request a merc and they overstay their welcome after the titan is long dead, I’m wondering if they still get their titan loot in the event we have to kick them (in case they get caught in our war matching, for instance).

I’m going to be very grateful for any mercing help with the upcoming 6 star titan requirement for PoV and I’d hate to rip a player off for their already reduced rewards.

If a merc is booted AFTER the titan is dead and everyone receives their loot, when said merc logs in he’ll still get his.

I emphasized AFTER because if booted before death, even if merc returns, he will not.


Not sure if you ever got your answer, but just in case:

If you are not present during the duration of a titan (from first hit until it’s death) you will not get loot. Even if you leave and return before it dies. Your name legit disappears from the list of hitters on that titan the moment you depart.

TGW, miracles happen - I agree with you !

22 months later… :laughing:

No matter. Your crew won. You’ve successfully managed to drive away the vast majority of the disgruntled low income riffraff who got tired of paying $100 every month for new heroes. So, congratulations! I’m sure the game and the forum will be vastly more successful and entertaining without us.

Enjoy your limit breaking overpowered champagne filled Season 5 Superhero Ninja Mutant Cowboy Aliens, and all the other assorted exciting ridiculousness that this game will have to offer at grossly overinflated prices!



TGW, that’s just silly. All I did was saying that I agreed with you on mercing.

But hey, you obviously prefer to throw accusations at me…all the things I wanted and achieved. Yes, I like the game as it is with regular events. Why don’t you tell me what you want:. Back to the way it was 2 years ago? Season 1 and 2 and that’s all? Well, if that’s what you want, you can have it. Just ignore anything post Season 1 or 2 or wherever you like to be stuck in time. Ah, but that’s not what you want, cause you want to be in the top 100 too. Well, that’s just not possible. Then you have to pay a bit. Just like in real life. So create your own game!

Lastly, what’s that about limit break? Comes up once a month. Same for everyone. You create problems where there are none. Btw, well written! Just like your short stories.

I have zero desire to be in top 100. I barely even play this game anymore. I like games that I pay for one time, and get to play and advance as much as I want, without spending obscene amounts of money.

And I actually have created my own games. They are mostly short, but 100% free to play. When I create bigger versions of them, I’ll probably sell them for $1 per copy. Because mobile games are not worth hundreds of dollars, not even the best games. And no one will ever have an advantage over someone else for spending in my games.

“Just like real life” - games aren’t supposed to be about real life. They never were. They are supposed to be the exact opposite of real life.

You are still stuck on this “pay a bit” thing, thinking that $100 a month is reasonable for one mobile game. It’s not. It never was.

And yes, I would like to go back to Season 1 and 2, at least until I have all of those heroes. I can’t “ignore” anything beyond that without warring and raiding against 4800 TP teams. Pay hundreds of dollars just to stay competitive? That is pay to win, you do understand that, don’t you?

Feel free to enjoy being in top 100 and pretend like it’s worth the price to stay there. If that’s what you wish to spend your money on.

Oh, and, limit breakers will get monetized, like everything else in this game. Only a matter of time.

I really liked the concept of this game when I downloaded it, I liked it enough that I was willing to spend some money on it. But I spent what I felt was a fair price for a game like this, and I didn’t get even a tiny fraction of the heroes in the game. There is no way to grind for them, you have to buy them, and they don’t even have set prices… you could get the one you want for $20, or it could cost you thousands of dollars.

That’s absolutely absurd to any rational person. But in the mind of a gambler, it’s perfectly fine. It’s all about that rush. That’s what you’re paying for. A short lived adrenaline / endorphin rush. And you’re paying way too much for it. There are many far less expensive ways to “get your kicks”, including many that actually guarantee that you’re going to get what you’re paying for.


TGW I tried most of the things that give you a rush, and they are a lot more expensive than this game, but the high is better, so I assure you, I am not paying for that in this game. It would be nice if you stopped making assumptions about my motives. I play solely because I like this game, and I find that it’s a fair price considering the time I spent playing. If I went to a pub/club I’d spent that much in a few evenings or maybe only in one depending on what kind of place it is - and that I can’t afford.

Anyway, good to hear you found new games and are even developing one yourself. This is the kind of outcome I was hoping for when I replied to one of your posts for the first time. You seem to be in a much better place mentally, so carry on with what you’re doing.

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Thank you for that, and I didn’t mean to suggest that you were chasing a rush, nor do I recommend doing so. Price wise, this game does not give me the value I expect for the money. I have games that I spent far less than $100 on that have given me much more enjoyment than this one. If you like it, and you can afford it and think it’s a good value, more power to you.

I don’t care for the gacha model, I think it’s a ripoff, and I think it deceives many people who get hooked on the game and just want to get better, no matter the cost. You clearly know what you’re doing, and you’re staying within your budget, so there’s no reason for me to preach to you. It’s your life and your money. I’m just vocalizing my own opinions regarding video game pricing and lootboxes. Video games to me are meant to be an escape from “real life”, an affordable form of entertainment where you can do things you can’t do in reality, and where your success is based on effort and skill, not luck and income level. Clearly, this game is mostly the latter.

I hope you continue to enjoy it. Though I won’t lie, I also hope that others who didn’t realize what kind of trap they were walking into, realize it and stop throwing good money after bad. Games don’t have to operate this way, or be this expensive in order to be profitable. I tried in vain to get them to change, so that the game could continue to be fun for players like me, but they chose their path and they’re sticking to it. Why wouldn’t they, after all? Running a casino is far more profitable and far less work than actual game development.