May 2023 TENTATIVE Calendar (Trials, Rare Quests, Mirages Of Omega, Aether Summon, Tower Of Magic, Atlantis, Covenant Summon, Valhalla, Dynasty Of Dunes, Tavern Of Legends, Mighty Pets, MT, Contest Of Elements, Underwild, SE, and Ninja Tower)

What about the Covenant Quest??? Everyone forgets about it :cry:


All the frustration was aimed at SE, now that has an update, we can focus our anger on if/when the Covenant Quest will be :rofl:

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My Question to Petri contained that too (again):

But I suspect the “it” in the answer is just for SE.


Well, #noroom for more heroes mean slow leveling and #nopulls until SE arrives


ah, glad I bought (with gems) a few more roster slots… otherwise…


Elizabeth will be featured 2 months in a row? :thinking:

Or probably will be a last minute change (possible mistake and correction with portal already open) like some portals are having?

Yea, they can still make last minute changes tomorrow. We will keep everyone posted :wink:


Hello Oracle @Elioty33 .
whether from your orb. Can you see when the Alliance Quest event will return? Alliance quest Musteker or clash of knights. Thanks in advance.


Did we have news for the covenant quest?

Another week - still no news on SE and covenant quest…

In the mean time, we get those crap costume for Alfrike and Bera. Jesus Christ. What the heck has SG been doing?!

No SE, then no pull and of course no spending.

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Yes, alliance quest are actually enjoyable. Too bad they are far and few in-between.

Hopefully one will be coming soon!

SE & covenant quest = no money. No money = not priority. Not priority = staff whocares :rofl::rofl:

I think many (myself included) are scaling back on summoning and leveling awaiting SE, which means that a delayed SE means delayed action/spending.
If we KNEW it would be a month delayed, we would plan around that. When we don’t know it could potentially be right around the corner, so you stall out instead, and feel the lack of progress.

I am a very positive player, who still loves the game and all of the different events and happenings, but this is still grinding on me


Another last minute change for Covenant Summon but unexpectedly moved earlier this time. Also only one new hero in the end. And it is another P2W-exclusive Covenant Summon as there was/is no Covenant Quest since the previous Covenant Summon…


I have asked Petri, and he has just answered.
The 2023 June calendar will only arrive eary next week.

Thx for the update @Elioty33


Still no word about the Covenant Quest though… :roll_eyes:


No, Petri has not answered back to me on that question.

Probably you will tell it us earlier than Staff unless the official caledar arrives sooner than you look into your orb.


The problem is that there is not a single Covenant Quest scheduled anytime in the future at all in the “orbs” at the moment. Same for Alliance Quest actually @Gaia, there is none of them currently scheduled, but they share the time slot in the rotation with Tower Events anyway so we still have stuff to play. However, they even forgot to schedule in advance the last Covenant Quest that they even officially announced and we know the mess it was for them to fix the situation after the time the quest was supposed to start… Would be great if they could do their job properly for once.


Mods and oracles, take care of yourselves. Take a break from this sometimes so we don’t lose you to burnout.


Thanks Oracle for the explanation.
this looks really messy!!
were they planning to abolish the covenant quest?
this game seems to be at the end of its age.

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