8xpull coins: Stonecleave, Karil, Kasshrek, Wu Kong, Sudri, Gunnar, Karil, Sudri
Well, no Almur and Mist… get Fura and Gullinbursti and some of new 3*. Not so good for 38xpull… maybe next time.
8xpull coins: Stonecleave, Karil, Kasshrek, Wu Kong, Sudri, Gunnar, Karil, Sudri
1 pull with 100 Vall-coins… one Mist.
Not bad at all.
I did a ten pull and got Shadereave, Agnes, Jarvur and Sudri (the rest were 3 star classics).
Would also like the three star Grevle (because I can never have too many cute animals on my roster and he is the only season 3 one I have missing now).
Was really hoping to at least get Clarissa as this was my last shot barring getting enough coins from the map or a random EHT from loot, but sadly not.
Looking forward to using Shadereave in particular.
After complaining about my first 13 summons, I earned one more via coins and got Baldur, who think will be excellent.
For my alt account the Valhalla gate has been nothing short of astonishing… astonishingly “bad” that is, at least in terms of being able to summon Season 3 heroes. After 30 pulls total (since the release of Season 3) I have managed to get a grand total of 2 such heroes. Considering that the published chances of getting a Season 3 hero on any single pull is 67.6% this seems incredibly unlikely. In fact the probability of getting only 2 Season 3 heroes in 30 pulls is somewhere around 0.08% if I did the math correctly (which is by no means guaranteed).
Sigh… Maybe I’ll be able to “regress to the mean” by pulling 56 or so straight Season 3’s over the next few months.
No, in this instance, zero is a bad number. I was going to pull today but couldn’t get a purchase through on my phone for the $1.99 offers. Maybe that’s a sign (but I’m sure I’ll try later).
Kinda mixed feeling about my 12 pulls so far. Got 4 x 4* and second Clarissa along with 6th tabard from bonus chest, so if Alfrike won’t appear I’ll ascend her too. But from those 4* 3 of them were S1 and the last one was Brynhild.
Pulled a rainbow today:
Gullinbursti (health booster)
Shadereave (epic rezzor)
Jarvur (bad attacker)
Grevle (health booster)
An-Windr (att upper*)
Unleveled test of their specials:
* much worse than as boss
Health boost is crazy good.
Guilinbursti worked much better than i thought!
i really liked what i saw
Made 1 Pull (C2P) got Marjana. So excited…first red 5*.
Congrats on your first 5* red… sorry to hear it’s a S1 hero, instead of a S3 hero (from the S3 portal), though.
I will take any red 5* sniper…when my current best red sniper is Gormek
I know hes just a 4*, but Almur is going to be awesome fully emblemmed (no other legit sorcerers).
Already have Evelyn but hes still going to be amazing for war/tournament hits.
Gave in and did a 10x draw.
Mist, Gullinbursti, 2xNordi (now my 5th), Grevle, By-Ulf, Ei-Dunn and some S1. Still no Clarissa .
I was hoping for one of the dark elves, but Mist is also great.
Haven’t tried health boosters yet. Seems strong on paper, but the slow mana on Gullin puts me off. Grevle is at least average speed and will do well with costumed Brienne
Brynhild is an amazing hero!!
Just to illustrate how good a hero she is: I have her completely emblemed have been using her as a tank on a raid defense for the past few days. She kept me in Diamond… every single day!
Cheer up! Just that Brynhild is enough to consider your pull as good!
Had 2 pulls with my coins - got Tyrum and Gunnar.
Be still my beating heart!
I just finished S3:12-9 to get my final free coins pull… Valen! lol