📯 [Feb 2020] Portal Stats & Summon Results – Season 3 (Valhalla)

This thread is for information and discussion on the FEBRUARY 2020 Season 3 Valhalla Summon Portal, and sharing Summon Results.

:game_die: Season 3 Valhalla Portal Appearance Rates


Classic Season 1 Heroes

  • Rare Classic Hero: 19.6%
  • Epic Classic Hero: 11.9%
  • Legendary Classic Hero: 0.9%

Season 3 Heroes

  • Rare Season III Hero: 51.4%
  • Epic Season III Hero: 14.6%
  • Legendary Season III Hero: 1.3%* *non-featured

Featured Hero

  • Legendary Featured ‘Fenrir’: 0.3%


  • Legendary Hero of the Month: 1.3%

:money_with_wings: Analysis of Summon Appearance Rates

This table shows the cumulative probability of different Summon events, based on a total number of Summons (1x, 10x, 30x, 100x, 500x, 1500x)

Please note that NO occurrence is ever actually 100%; the 100% entries in the table below indicate cumulative probabilities sufficiently close to 100% that they are expressed as such for simplicity. All other numbers are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.

Occurence 1x 10x 30x 100x 500x 1500x
Get At Least 1 Season 1 Hero 32.4% 98.0% 99.9% 100% 100% 100%
Get At Least 1 Season 3 Hero 67.6% 99.9% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Get At Least 1 5* (excluding HOTM Bonus Draw) 2.5% 22.4% 53.2% 92.0% 99.9% 100%
Get At Least 1 Season 3 5* 1.6% 14.9% 38.4% 80.0% 99.9% 100%
Get At Least 1 of Featured Season 3 Hero 0.3% 3.0% 8.6% 26.0% 77.7% 98.9%
Get At Least 1 Non-Featured Season 3 5* 1.3% 12.3% 32.5% 73.0% 99.9% 100%
Get At Least 1 of a Particular Non-Featured Season 3 5* 0.26% 2.6% 7.5% 22.9% 72.8% 98.0%
Get At Least 1 Season 3 4* 14.6% 79.4% 99.1% 100% 100% 100%
Get At Least 1 of a Particular Season 3 4* 2.92% 25.6% 58.9% 94.8% 100% 100%
Get At Least 1 Season 3 3* 51.4% 99.9% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Get At Least 1 of a Particular Season 3 3* 10.28% 66.2% 96.1% 99.9% 100% 100%

Putting That in Perspective

  • If 1 million players each did 10 Summons, 776,000 of those players would NOT get a Season 3 or Season 1 5 Hero*

  • If 1 million players each did 100 Summons, 200,000 of those players would NOT get a Season 3 5 Hero*

  • If 1 million players each did 500 Summons, 223,000 of those players would NOT get the Featured Season 3 5 Hero (Fenrir)*

:dizzy: Bonus Ascension Material Chest

Much like the Season II Atlantis Summon Portal, the Season III Valhalla Summon Portal features a Bonus Ascension Material Chest, which contains a guaranteed Rare or Epic Ascension Material, and can also contain Rare and Epic Crafting Materials.

Also like Season II, the Bonus Chest fills with each 10 Summons, and there is a limit of 9 Chests per event.

Your progress towards the next chest also carries over to the next Valhalla Summon event if you still have chests in stock, just like with the Atlantis Summon.

:gem: Summon Costs

The Summon Costs for the Valhalla Portal currently match the Atlantis Portal:

  • Single Summon: 100 Valhalla Coins or 350 Gems
  • Summon x10: 3000 Gems
  • Summon x30: 8400 Gems

:hammer: Valhalla Coins

Also like Season 2, the first time a Stage is completed, a reward is given in Valhalla Coins — which are just like Atlantis Coins, but for Season 3.

Just the same as Season 2, Normal Mode Stages reward 3 Valhalla Coins, and Hard Mode Stages reward 5 Valhalla Coins — and there are 10 Stages per Province, so it’ll be the same 80 Coins per Province that Season 2 has.

Also like Atlantis Coins, 100 Valhalla Coins are required for a free Valhalla Summon.

Earned Valhalla Coins are currently planned to be available only from completing Season 3 Map Stages for the first time.

For discussion/feedback on this, please see: 📯 Valhalla Coins Availability Discussion/Feedback – Season 3 (Valhalla)

:link: Related Threads


Hey guys I summoned Fenrir! Yay! But I can’t seem to add him to my team. What am I doing wrong?

Here’s the hero card:

I’m not seeing any stats either. This seems like a game breaking bug…


“Stop playing that effing game and tickle me tum!”

Sorry this must be a forum record for quickest a thread has gone off topic but honestly I think I’d prefer to see a caption competition for this one…


Not sure people tell you often enough… you are an absolute legend for doing all this :+1: :+1: :+1:


Thank you! :smiley: :bow_and_arrow:


Trying to add some sweet to balance out all the salt that will be coming.


Naturally I’d totally agree… Shame the dog’s upstaged @zephyr1

Better be careful how far I take it or I could find the dog being moved to a new thread and my tummy tickling request left here to just confuse the hell out of everyone and make them think I’ve had a breakdown…


Only more one hour!!!


I fell asleep during the evening yesterday and woke up at midnight, now it seems these 7 hours are taking a life time lol.

I am rewatching American horror story episodes just to fulfill the time needed lol

I’m very excited to see what the new one with Maukaley Caulken has in store. :open_mouth:

Also very excited for S3 :smiley: going 5o be tough not to pull until the 1st though…

I’ll wait for Malosi. Also excited for season 10 of AHS.

Only 12 minutes now!!! I am excited for the map, tbh. I dont expect anything from pulls.

Attack: 613
Defense: 832
HP: 1425

Class: Good boi
Resist: Bad feelings – The Hero has an innate ability to resist bad feelings.
Element: Puppy/Cute

Mana Speed: The fastest

Special Skill: Belly Rub

  • Heals all allies for all HP forever.
  • Rolls around to beg for the best belly rub.
  • Turns all enemies into allies because they just can’t resist good boi.
  • Wins the game forever.
  • Element Link gives all allies +100% good mood forever. This effect can’t be dispelled.

Don’t be too happy for me, this is on a newly made, level 8 invite feeder account. Thinking of having it replace my 1st alt now.


That was fast. Congrats!

1 Like

Would rather have 2 different 5* but not complaining :stuck_out_tongue:


Mostly because there doesn’t seem to be any history of the original story.


(Forgot to SS but it was Elena asking if everyone was okay).




Did a single and got Mist the 4* yellow, which seems like a good hero. 4* yellows are pretty weak in general so that’s a welcomed addition. Very tempted to do more but I must wait for Telluria. I’ve got itchy fingers though!


First gameplay video :slight_smile:

Stage 1