🔵 [May 20, 2020] Trials of Strength Teams – Share Yours & Discuss

Hmmmm, I see …

The only thing that popped in my head was someone screaming “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”


Boldtusk +9
Poseidon +2
Kingston +2
Obakan +1
Grimm +9

Final stage used 2 dragons, 2 bombs and 5 minor healings

Kingston now +3

Much better than last run. Me crush Nashgar


Did first round with this


My Team. Not really digging the other options so I just kept going with what I’ve had:

Very similar finishing picture as you @sleepyhead :grinning:


Not ideal but again just using what I have. Malosi replaced Hu Tao and Gravy replaced Nordri (yes last time I brought a 3* to the final round due to lack of options)

Mob waves were fine but look at this :face_vomiting: board going into the boss wave. Did my best to match tiles under Nashgar but RNGesus decided it wanted to cascade tiles into Azlar instead, so he fired before I could fire Malosi, and that basically set the tone for the rest of the battle.

Down to just BT, wasn’t gonna chance it so just nuked it. Thankfully didn’t have to touch any dragons, just 4 bombs + 5 axes.

Barbarian emblems reserved for GM, fighter emblems held for now but may bring BT to +18 down the road. Trainer reserved for GM.


hahaha! looks like we both have the same timing when taking screenshots @JAWS_3D :wink:

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Here is my team :slight_smile:

I beat the first two levels. I didn’t try the third level because I didn’t think I’d be strong enough. I could have tried with items but I used a lot of resources during Grimforest and I’m letting them build up again now for Valhalla.

Delilah and Obakan are quite new; I got Delilah from February Atlantis and Obakan from TC20 :slight_smile:

Colen ate the fighter emblems and nobody is levelled up for barbarian emblems yet so they go into storage.


Team last time

Team this time

Dropped Boldy in lieu of Gravy this time. Hardly used any items in the mob stages but got pummeled without a healer on the boss stage. I should look at adding a healer back in next time.

Emblems saved for now, trainer went to Jabberwock.


Team this time was Joon-C, Gravemaker, Boldtusk, Grimm, and Little John. Very easy. Didn’t use any items. :grin::+1:t2:


Completed all three stages on my main, 1st two stages on my 1st alt and 2nd alt.

Here is who I took on my main initially:

On the 2nd stage I replaced Colen with Nordri and then for the third, Panther. I thought I was gonna have to use all 5 time stops but only had to use three. Barbarian emblems all are going to Nordri. Fighter emblems are going to Sumi for his final node and the rest is being saved up for Kingston. Trainer went to BT.

Here is who I took on my 1st alt:

Decided to go red heavy as I don’t have any other blues. Just did the first two stages. Emblems are going to BT and Grimm.

2nd alt:


Decided to go 3-2 on this one because those were my only options on this profile. Did only the first two stages due to level restrictions. Emblems are going on Nashgar and Gato.