šŸŽƒ Matilda - 5* Holy / Yellow from Return to Morlovia (Halloween)

Donā€™t forget Kara! But basically I agree with you :grin:

Been trying her out for a couple of days and sheā€™s definitely an a+ on attack. I put her in raid defence in place of kullervo and found not much difference there . Trophies stay around 2800 after a lot of defences.
Sheā€™s doing 217 poison to everyone plus about 28 from fiends. The damage nearly always resets. Fully emblemmed defence path but not yet limit broken.
Also worth mentioning mana speed. She charges with 9 tiles if you have full mana troop. With family bonus +6 % that comes down to 8 tiles.


Sorry can you clarify, how come she does 217 to everyone, is that per turn or over 3 turns? The card says 324 so wondering what her stats are?

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Based on poll results folks have no idea how useful she is. Im suprised id rather get her


217 per turn. Remember that +50% increase to DOT damage is part of her special. I will post a video if I can figure out how to ā€¦


Thanks for clarifying, wow thatā€™s impressive! I forget the increased damage and refresh applies to her own poison, sheā€™s quite the beast then :sweat_smile:


She killed them all :-).
Notice she stole lydenbrooks heal buff.
You can also see fiends actually doing 28 damage


Thank you for the picture.

Why donā€™t enemies get any heal? It is 0 heal on their head.

Happy gaming

the heal is being absorbed by the fiend


The single event 5* ive pulled and not likely to pull moreā€¦ but im super happy. She is going to be so fun with myztero, and probablu on my main rayne raid team


I was really thinking how would it be if sheā€™s paired with Rayne.
Rayne poison is already deadly.

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Donā€™t they overwrite each other? Both giving poisonā€¦

You can pair her with all other x/over time e.g. water, fire, maybe corresive poison etc but not regular poison. It ia how I understood it.

Happy gaming

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You might be right but I was thinking about the skill below

Each hit from the Muffin Fiend has the following effects:

  • The target takes +50% increased damage from status ailments for 3 turns.
  • There is a 50% chance to refesh the duration of the status ailment with the least turns remaining

So I thought that if Matilda fires and the Rayne, Rayne poison would give 50% more damage

So sad I donā€™t have Rayne to test it


Sorry for misunderstanding.

If you fire Rayne afterwards, then he should replace the poison damage from Matilda with his, 1325 poison damage over 5 turns (what is say on my card). And it damages 50% more, ca 2000 over 5 turns. Sounds creazy but should be so.

Happy gaming

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Then you can stack with Franz and double that poison damage even further

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Iā€™m guessing lady locke would refresh to the weaker damage. Although the damage would be that great, at least it would be consistent

That, I donā€™t know.

If stack from Franz (general more damage a la 50%) is ā€œdifferent ā€œ than Mathildaā€™s.

Maybe I can test later. But Franz is much slower while Mathilda and Ryne are same speedā€¦

I am speaking as a theoretical standpoint as both ailments are different things, so they should stack and deal 100% extra DOT damage. I hope to get Matilda so I can breeze through towers with my DOTs

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I did the test for you;

Ryne without any other things ongoing; 329 damage that last 5 turns.

If you fire Mathilda first, the writing on enemies doesnā€™t change , i.e. it shows the same numbers as above. But every turn you see that they take 493 damage, which is 50% more than 329.

Really good :muscle:


Yep. Team her with Joon and Khufu and its pretty bad for the other team. Poison, Sand damage and blind for most of the match.