🎃 Matilda - 5* Holy / Yellow from Return to Morlovia (Halloween)

Meh, interesting to play with on offense I suppose. Could probably be excellent with a dot-heavy team, But not worth chasing.

Not just DoT heavy team, she also has synergy with any allies that throw any status ailments (EDD, DD, mana gen down, status ailment prevention, mindless attack, etc). A 50% chance to reset ailments each turn is a high likelihood of resetting ailments so IMO this effect of her fiend is more impressive than the increased DoT damage :sweat_smile:


Excellent points. I think this is a sleeper hero that will turn out to be an awesome support hero on offense.


I think she will be great paired with C.Roc

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Alfrike + Matilda … /Shudder

Although alfreak is a win condition all by herself, so this is a win more situation…


So did she do anything by herself? Or does she only enhance other heroes? By herself she doesn’t seem all that powerful for an event hero…

I play DOTs for events; rayne, Franz, c azlar. So Matilda would be greatly appreciated


She gives all enemies somewhat around 100 Hp/turn poison damage for 3 turns.

With the fiends that’s boosted to 150+ damage each turn and with the reset its unlimited until those are healed away.

So in no heal tournaments or against no heal defenses she gives 150Hp (or more depending on troops or emblems) each turn till the fight is over.

I think that’s quite nice even on her own…

Overlooked the 50% chance for refreshing. So it’s not unlimited, but there is a good chance it’s going for a while at least.


I don’t rate her that much. Just for the fact that the current crop of HotM’s can pretty much negate her special without even using the main part of their special. The HotM elemental link takes away her main arsenal !! Seeing as how easy it is to obtain HotM’s it doesn’t look great to me. To counter this I wud add a little heal or a cleanse, not a dispel cuz that’d hinder the fiends effect, cuz let’s face it if u have a current HotM & they fire all she does is poison the enemy & gargoyles can negate that too which also looks bad. When it’s the passive part or elemental link part of a special that troubles a hero it just doesn’t look good to me. Especially as how rare mats are you want to use them on a hero that isn’t easily countered in that particular way. Just my 2p worth.


Coming back to Mathilda and my initial post, she is still not maxed, but in that team with costume Roc, costume Rana and costume Ariel and Zircon for survivability, she is pretty strong - and fun. She indeed is not such versatile, but if you can build a team around her, she is awesome.


That’s the issue tho isn’t it. U need specific heroes to make her decent. Pity, so much potential, she just needs an extra little some-tin’ some-tin’ !!


This Hero will be useless. Family 2022 from 01/01/2023 will have immunity from demons.

Is damage over time “status ailments “?
E.g. C-viktor gives damage over time, will that be increased by 50%?

Happy gaming


Yes, it will be increased with 50%.


U r right !!

Although I think u mean fiends. With the 2022 family bonus, 2x heroes will give immunity to fiends meaning Matilda will just be a poisoner !! Pretty meh compared to the others in the portal & just in general really given the recent heroes released. I was expecting a little more.

Just fyi, several languages (such as Spanish, which I play in) don’t have a direct translation for the english “fiend”. In Spanish, and others, it is translated to the word for demon. So it’s just a double translation error, like when people use Google to translate something to a other language and then back to English and laugh at the results.


Wanted her just to check her out with the newly buffed JF and Emilio.

Yes it’s true that 2022 family bonus gives immunity to fiends but I can’t imagine everyone ascending/using these HoTMs just to counter Matilda and other fiend summoners (I mean most P2P players or people with strong rosters have better options to ascend than a lot of these recent HoTMs). So with the strong heroes being commonly used at the moment, I disagree with the comment that “this hero will be useless” :sweat_smile:



You would need two of the fiend-immunity five and only Grace and Tahir seem good/solid options while not beeing very common on defense, at least in Diamond.

If they are in the defs, simply don’t take Matilda with you, but even If you do, they have to fire first.

And Matilda isn’t exactly a def hero, so i See No Problem here


Matilda makes using DOTs in events viable I guess