[Math, Transparency] 2020-Apr Valhalla summons loot box unit pricing - updated with gems [Malosi / Alfrike ]

[Math, Transparency] 2020-Apr Valhalla summons loot box unit pricing - updated with gems [Malosi / Alfrike ]

Valhalla summons

Lootbox unit pricing for 2020-Apr Valhalla summons

| USD | Gems | Hero |
| $185+ | 14,700+ | Nordi ( blue 3* )
| $678+ | 54,250+ | Brynhild ( green 4* ) |
| $1,536+ | 122,850+ | 5* HotM ( yellow 5* Malosi ) |
| $6,692+ | 536,200+ | Featured 5* Valhalla hero ( purple 5* Alfrike ) |
| $10,816+ | 866,950+ | Sif ( yellow 5* ) |


Click for notes

0.013 odds
351 summons
$1,536+ USD

3* Valhalla hero x5 heroes
0.1028 odds
42 summons
$185+ USD

4* Valhalla hero x 5 heroes
0.0292 odds
155 summons
$678+ USD

5* Valhalla hero x 7 heroes
0.001857 odds
2,477 summons
$10,816+ USD

Featured 5* Valhalla hero
0.003 odds
1,532 summons
$6,692+ USD



Those are scary numbers. Thanks for sharing @Gryphonknight

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