[Master] Where the harvesters now? Not in PoV

I miss harvesters too, especially omnia and food. Bring them back pretty please with the cherry on top!

I still have plenty of harvesters. I don’t miss them, especially since half of the time (exactly the half when I’m farming) they don’t work due to reduced flag costs from the seasons events

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It’s like it just got wiped off from the game, like the algorithm was erased. That was actually a really good idea: ham iron troops, the Omni One. I don’t even know why they took those away. It definitely made players farm more, why remove that?"

It did? What do you farm at full energy costs in past seasons?

Edit: just checked a few threads related to harvesters and vast majority of people found them useless and didn’t bother using them. Those that did use them was while filling chests and not farming. Considering you can’t use them during AR, VF, etc. when people actually farm, it makes them quite useless

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This was my initial reaction. I think they got rid of them because folks didn’t find them too useful. As the calendar has become more packed there is less opportunity to use them. I have 13 and keep telling myself to use them on a day with nothing else and I haven’t gotten around to that.


Yep. I kept telling myself to use them while filling elemental chests but I’m still to get around to it. Sitting there collecting dust years later.

Use is one thing. They got rid of them because people didn’t BUY them.

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I found the ham harvester to be useful personally, as I often face a shortage of ham. However, when the majority deems something as useless, changes are typically made based on that consensus. It was good while it lasted for me.

At least I know we play the perfect game. A drop rate of 1.3%? Fantastic! Make sure they never raise that. I love making a lot of pulls and getting nothing. It’s amazing. Tell me, who came up with that? I mean, I know that’s not considered useless since the majority likes it. They’ll never remove that.

Nah, these were a complete fail from the moment they were introduced. The amount of ham and iron that you get from farming is a tiny fraction of what you get from farms and towers. Using a harvester makes virtually zero dent in that. Maybe a newbie? Maybe? Just look at the actual gains. They are nothing. To make them worthwhile they would need to basically make everything, for 24 hours, into Atlantis rises. All costs are 50%, all gains are doubled.


You’re comparing two opposite ends of the game. One is needed for the devs to make money and for people to be engaged while the other was a meh gimmick. But the fact that harvesters were a meh gimmick doesn’t mean the odds aren’t despised.

On top of that, they weren’t allowed/active if a Map-specific, energy-reduced event is active, so the Harvesters served no purpose other than extra crap in your inventory. Which reminds me, I guess I should just use mines and finally be rid of them.

Anybody even remember that these exist? They released them a looooong time ago but then seemed to have completely forgotten about them. I don’t think you can even get them anymore. I never even used the ones they gave us when they released them.

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Yep, they were in the first few Path of Valor


What ever happened to receiving the “Harvester” Relics that help gather things you need…Food, Iron, Recruits, Omnia, etc? Other that having to buy stuff is there a reason why these are no longer available?

It wouldn’t shock me if they stopped offering them, both as free PoV loot or purchasable offers, because their value quickly were revealed to be pointless since they are limited to Map Stages when an event isn’t active. So even if someone wanted to use them for Valhalla Forever, Tremors of Underwild, or Judgment of Dunes, it’d be locked out. Unsure if it even gave out the same/similar amounts of food/iron/recruits/loot as Atlantis Rise did or once did, that it “broke the game economy.”

Tbh, the fact they’re stlll present and not converted into something of equal value/use in the game rn, like gems or event tokens, kidna confuses me.