[Master] -- šŸ‘» Soul Exchange

They are in the process of releasing S5 costumes. The costumes are too new to release, and players will feel bad taking a hero only to have its costume released imminently

Here I am! 20 characters of unrest sleep! :skull:


There he is, my knight in shining armour! @Nightmare2048 :heart_eyes_cat:

I couldnā€™t just say I feed on creating nightmares for other people and then steal their souls!


And literally thats what they want. Slow down the matches. Well at least I can hope for it right? :slight_smile:

I would take a costumless Hathor every day of the week. Where can I pay?


Hathor is really goodā€¦ The costume bonus probably helps, but she doesnā€™t have to have it to be effective.

Also ā€¦ take a dispeller and she is just a healerā€¦ Defensively people shouldnā€™t have trouble with her.

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tyvm for that. She sits on my left wing for VFast wars and my defense averages about 3 flags to go down. This is in a top 25 alliance

Yeah might be C-Moreau 10 Uthragan 15 and Narcisa 20ā€¦ at this point even Cinnamon can be 20 and Bubbles 15ā€¦

Who knows, i donā€™t really care of the cost, i will see it when the portal arrivesā€¦

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Have both Narcisa and Khepri, find Narcisa WAY more useful.


Anyone else think having Bubbles and Cinnamon, both blue and both from Mighty Pets, seems a little odd and that one of them may be replaced before the actual release? Just saying.


I keep thinking Anne might be best for me, but I just had a revelation. Sheā€™s a fast hero and a fighter. That means a legendary troop wonā€™t take her down to 7 tiles even with emblem node.

That might be enough for me to backtrack on her. Maybe Cupido is the best choice for me.


The SE list this time is very good after the Ludwig SE edition.

a little disappointed that the blue was all out. what was expected did not happen (itā€™s true that people say donā€™t put too much hope in this game, because the final result will be disappointing) :sob:

on the plus side I wonā€™t be confused. Narica is still my top pick.

She will help Hathor with my costume into 6 boards

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Iā€™m excited as we donā€™t even have the final card for SE

Letā€™s see what remaining reds and greens look like

I think costumed Moreau at 20 due to previous featured S4 (Liden and Fogg) without costume.

I also feel Moreau doesnā€™t deserve 20 (as well as the mentioned ones) but iā€™m just following the Zynga logic with previous SEs.

Although itā€™s true Uthragan at 10 would be strange. Itā€™s a good HotM, but not a game changee to consider it at 20.

At the end I feel none of them should be at 10. But the one I like the least is Moreau, but itā€™d be weird to have it at 10 with costume :face_with_spiral_eyes:

About pets, I feel Bubbles is a better hero. BUTā€¦ Cinnamon was released a little later. Could that determine their positions? :thinking:

And about green, I donā€™t think Athos will be the best option. Itā€™s very possible Queen Anne appears (after seeing the ā€œleakā€), and sheā€™ll be 20, no doubt.

Tough decision! Best SE so far :slightly_smiling_face:
I need a good red hero and I like mana control so I will pick Cupido :slightly_smiling_face:


Just so you know guys&gals, one more hero of high quality like ā€œMikiā€ makes this list really hard to choose. The heroes this time really good. Anne, pet heroes, Cupiso, Athos, Narcissaā€¦ This are all still top heroes in the gameā€¦

Just so you know, thats the hero release strategy of SE I was expecting from SG long ago, and now here they are.


Relius and Charon take issueā€¦

So horeherf for 20 at vf speed with stone skin, cupido with mindless to 3 at probably 20 and average speedā€¦ And bubbles at fast with shifting mindless ā€¦ So which is the best value?

Iā€™m leaning cupido as the best valueā€¦ I donā€™t know who it what i want ā€¦ Too many good optionsā€¦ But narcisa is still the leader in the clubhouseā€¦ But i just donā€™t know.

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I personally donā€™t care for Narcisa, I have her and havenā€™t bothered leveling her, perhaps if her resetting of Starwalkerā€™s DD triggered his damage, yeah - sheā€™d be great.

I value Cupidoā€™s 3 mindless attacks over Bubbleā€™s 1 shifting, even at average, shutting 3 heroes down and healing whilst at it is great.

I really need a good yellow hitter so Anne has my eye, however, Cupido is really tempting.

So 2 red and 2 green leftā€¦ hmmmā€¦

My guesses

10 red - R&N
15 red - Alucard

10 green - C. Lady if the Lake
15 green - Queen Anne