[Master] -- šŸ‘» Soul Exchange

Yes, I already have 2 costumed MN emblemed, so I donā€™t need more revivers :slight_smile:
I went for Lady of the lake, Iā€™m so happy. Iā€™ll use her not only in VF defense and some raids, but also against hard bosses :slight_smile:
Black Knight would have been a great hero for my roster, but I can ascend 4 karas (so as to have 6 taunt heroes, 5 karas and 1 ludwig), which would be enough for taunt heroes in war.

This was a tough choice. So many great heroes I donā€™t have, chief amongst them being BK who Iā€™ve wanted since I first started playing. Any other SE and he likely would have been the one, but SG had to put the trickster in there to tempt me. It worked. LoLo unique special looks too much fun on offense to pass up. It helps that I have 27 scopes to spare and blue is by far my weakest element.

Had to stretch every last dupe I had to reach the 20, including 3 S1 dupes Iā€™d leveled to 3.70 but never got around to finishing. Worth it.

Safe to say I wonā€™t be using a Soul exchange for a while!

One day BK, weā€™ll be together. One day.


I have 150 more posts to catch upā€¦ But Iā€™m going to skip aheadā€¦ Todayā€¦ Is a good day. This month started off like crap, 24 gargoyle pulls and 3 kaloā€™s and 3 nerfsā€¦ And then a whole mess of great 5* pulls and now lord loki. Iā€™m stoked.

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I went with Grimble. :slight_smile:

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Congrats on your LoLo! :blue_heart:
Elradir sounds good on theory. I rushed maxing him because of that but in real lifeā€¦ He just doesnā€™t do anything. Low damage, that reflect wonā€™t work 90% of times and his cool element link even got nerfed.

Heā€™s not as bad as someone as Elkanen but he is far away from being valuable.


Thx, I have linked it in the OP.

Really great choices.

Now from those heroes I donā€™t have Kunchen, C-Khagan, LotL, Anzogh, Ariel, MN, BK and Loki. I am not fond of dupes, so not taking them. Also, following heroes I exclude completely:

  • Kunchen (have C-Viv, which is almost the same deal, just Holy and with dispel and no resistance to defense ailments)
  • C-Khagan (just not appealing)
  • Anzogh (not that great heal, which is what I would like to have the most from red 5*)
  • Ariel (got Zircon recently who I find much better healer due to HoT, superior stats and family bonus, dispel block and the fact you can fire him sooner if needed)
  • BK (have QoH, Krampus, Ludwig and Kara, I think thatā€™s enough for taunters :sweat_smile:. But his artwork is great and specialā€™s animation too)

That leaves me with LotL, MN and Loki. I am most inclined towards Loki because of his uniqueness and versatility. MN is nice but I have C-Alberich x2 who may have lower ressurrection rate but healing is comparable to MN and mana boost/replenish is much better, plus has elemental link and much better family bonus. Also have Heimdall. LotL is great for mana reduction but otherwise slow and I have green 5* slow healers and LB+20 C-Mel.

Who should I take?

Edit: the only problem with Loki is I have 1 scope and Zircon in queue (5* blue overhealer and max ninja family bonus). About 1k Wizard emblems though.


You basically answered your own question. You took out Mother North cause you have 2 alberichs and a Heimdall. Then you took out Lady of the Lake cause sheā€™s slow and you have other green healers. So any reason to not get Loki? You say you want him cause heā€™s unique and versatile but didnā€™t give any downsides to him. So it looks like Loki is the winner here. Enough telescopes? Enough emblems? If yes, then Loki it is.



Perfectly happy with that :slight_smile:


Yeah, I completely forgot the negatives :sweat_smile:: I have one telescope and that Zircon in queue, meanwhile I have like 11 tonics (though I am currently working on Guan Yu). Thatā€™s why I am not that sure about Loki. But I can still decide if Iā€™ll do him or Zircon first. I have 1k emblems for him though.

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Never is too strong a wordā€¦
Iā€™ve been thinking about the same, and I trust SG can come up with ways to make a given skill outdated. if they wanted toā€¦

For a long time, there was reviving skill, and eventually came anti-reviversā€¦ Just an example of you and I cannot imagine, what SG can do to make a hero / skill less useful in long run (and sell newer heroes)

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Lady of the Lake then probably. lol. You listed more downsides to Mother North. Alberich healing is comparable and mana boost is better. 11 tonics isnā€™t too much of a downside. You can ascend Guan Yu first and youā€™ll probably have your 12th tonic by the time you max him and get Lady of the Lake to 3.70. Getting 12 telescopes seems like a whole other story though if you have less of them to do 2 blue heroes. lol


Really happy for everyone as this improves everyoneā€™s enjoyment in the game. They obviously heard the suggestions and we all win including SG. Some of these heroes have costumes and once leveled dome will try for them. Win win.

Went with Ariel. Fantastic options. Fun


Thank you. I am still inclined towards Loki though also because it is probably more interesting to pull in Festival portal than Valhalla given the chances. I can wait until I get the mats. Anyway there is still time to think this through. Decisions, decisions ā€¦

Sounds like you want Loki. Go for it. Have fun with both Zircon and Loki as you decide on telescopes.

My friend also chose Loki. Because she wanted him ā€¦ but also most of the heroes are available through Hero Academy. Case in point, I just got pulled MN two weeks ago from HA10.

Regardless, choose the hero youā€™ll enjoy the most.

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My initial dilemma was between Ariel, LotL and BK.

LotL - I am insanely lucky to have 2 MNs so LotL wouldnā€™t really make it to my defence team. On offence, Iā€™d be more likely to choose the two MNs first as well. Also, I have an emblemed cMel so my bench of green healers looks pretty good.

So the battle was now between BK and Ariel.

  1. BK - he is really annoying, I donā€™t have any taunt heroes so he would be nice to have.


  1. I have wanted Ariel ever since she was released (she has been on my top 3 of most wanted heroes) - a 5* average healer who can cleanse and boost mana :heart_eyes: The only blue healer I use is Raffaele so a second (and more powerful) blue healer would contribute a lot to my attacks.

Also, taking into consideration that I am FTP and Ariel costs 15 heroes while BK costs 20, it was not that difficult to follow what my heart was telling me:

P.S. I didnā€™t exchange any heroes in the first Soul Exchange and am now left with 24 5* I could trade. So unless itā€™s a hero I absolutely want, I may skip the next Soul Exchange.


Can Lepiotaā€™s special be cleansed?

20 characters

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I think it canā€™t, because it misses, but it can be resisted by Monks and maybe also Clerics.

Peeps in my team gave me a downside for lokiā€¦ If it is down to Loki versus a healer, the healer wins. Butā€¦ If thatā€™s the caseā€¦ I think i can live with that.

That depends on the healer. Lord Loki is definitely one to get.

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